Twentynine Palms, CA, USA
1. Location of collection: Desert field, Twentynine Palms, CA, USA. I found 11 of them, about half were in a field5 were within 1 foot of the street as I walked along the curb and I found 1 more about 15 feet in from the street.
2. Date of collection: 7/23/2019, between 7PM and 8PM.
3. Habitat of collection: About half were found in a vacant piece of land in the desert along a wash. The other half was found within 2 feet of the street, as I walked up it for about 300 feet. There was desert type of plants, in the vacant piece of land. While walking up the street the rest were found completely in the open sand of the unlandscaped parkway. The piece of land was a long thin strip that ran between the wash and a house.
4. Length: 8mm to 9mm.
5. Coloration, hue, pattern and texture: Her color looks to be a rich brown, with darks bands on the gaster. The bands do not go all the way around the gaster, they end on the sides and the bottom has sets of marks that look like bookends.
6. Distinguishing characteristics: The markings on the underneath side of her gaster seems to be the most distinguishing marking.
7. Anything else distinctive: None that I could tell.
8. Nest description: Unknown
9. Nuptial flight time and date: Unknown.