July 11th/2019
Found a starter nest with a queen and some workers (as well as a Parasite queen known as Dolichovespula arctica that was later removed to allow it to have a somewhat natural life-cycle.)
It took a bit to keep them from continuing to go back to the old nest. It was Around 7 days of full captivity with me feeding them before they stopped going back to the original nesting location, something I actually never thought they would stop doing.
July 19th/2019
I released the nest/occupants to free-range so they could collect nest building materials, food for the young etc.
It took a bit for them to start initiating nest building but they instantly started foraging for insect prey to feed the growing larvae.
July 21st/2019
By 21st of July Nest building had started
It didn't take them long to finish a few envelope layers to cover the combs/brood.
Next I just took pictures once or twice a day so here you go (I added captions of the date to the images
July 22nd
July 23rd
Comparison Shot of The Nest's Growth (excl. July 24th)
July 24th/2019
Here's the envelope layer I took the picture when they were all contained in the setup during some clipping maintenance at around 3am when all occupants were inside the nest box.
Here is the Nest at 12pm on July 24th/2019
I'll try to keep this updated, maybe in weekly bursts or something.