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ID Paintsville, KY (Posted 6/16/19)

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#1 Offline DJoseph98 - Posted June 15 2019 - 9:14 PM


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1. Location (on a map) of collection: Paintsville, KY U.S.A.
2. Date of collection: 6/16/2019
3. Habitat of collection: Suburban area, very close to forest and woods though. Some dry clear areas nearby as well.
4. Length (from head to gaster): 8 – 9mm
5. Color, hue, pattern and texture: Glossy Black, very dark brown near moth underneath head (so dark its almost black in most lighting)
6. Distinguishing characteristics: Crematogaster due to heart shaped gaster.
7. Distinguishing behavior:
8. Nest description: 

9. Nuptial flight time and date: Time unknown, date 6/16/2019


Found three of them, first at 11:30 AM, second at 12:00 PM, and third at around 2:00 PM. Temperature reached around lower 80s F today and the humidity was above 30%. Been storming a lot recently (full week storms, this last two days dry and sunny). Night before reached down to mid 40s F.

Sorry I couldn’t get better pictures, I’m stuck using a bad phone and a clip on Macro lens.



Current Colonies

1 x Camponotus nearcticus (Monogynous), 1 x Crematogaster cerasi (Monogynous), 1 x Formica cf. subsericea (Polygynous Two-Queen), 1 x Formica cf. pallidefulva (Monogynous, single worker),

1 x Lasius cf. americanus (Pleometrotic Founding, now Monogynous), 1 x Tetramorium immigrans (Monogynous)


Current Founding Units

1 x Formica cf. subsericea (Monogynous)


Up-To-Date as of 9/15/2020


#2 Offline AnthonyP163 - Posted June 15 2019 - 9:33 PM



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I believe someone might be able to guess a species, but without better quality pictures there will probably not be a certain ID. Crematogaster spp. can often be similar to one another to the extent of using a microscope to discern differences. I would suggest getting decent pictures of the head and a side view with decent lighting.

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#3 Offline DJoseph98 - Posted June 16 2019 - 5:43 AM


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Thanks, I'll try and get a hold of a better camera

Current Colonies

1 x Camponotus nearcticus (Monogynous), 1 x Crematogaster cerasi (Monogynous), 1 x Formica cf. subsericea (Polygynous Two-Queen), 1 x Formica cf. pallidefulva (Monogynous, single worker),

1 x Lasius cf. americanus (Pleometrotic Founding, now Monogynous), 1 x Tetramorium immigrans (Monogynous)


Current Founding Units

1 x Formica cf. subsericea (Monogynous)


Up-To-Date as of 9/15/2020


#4 Offline Martialis - Posted June 16 2019 - 3:33 PM


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Agreed with Crematogaster

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