I recently cleaned my room and boy... what a mess... But I found out that there is a relatively active tapinoma sessile colony there. I know there stink ants(T.Sessile) since they're tiny, the right body shape, & when you crush them they create a Citrus/lemony/onion-like smell. i was about to eradicate them when I realized that Maybe I could find a way to capture them. you see, whenever I leave food around, They swarm it. So maybe if i left a really tasty food in an open container and then when i see queens start swarming it I capture them, Maybe I could cap the lid and bang I've got a colony. problem is i havent seen any queens swarm any food or even come out so I'm not sure how that'll work. I'm not even sure where the nest location is since the trails are too disorganized to follow. perhaps if I added some sort of digging medium and continously added food to said container I could ponentially get them to set up a satelite nest and since this species is known to have multiple queens per colony, I could get at least some queens that way. or i could get a food trail set up so that they follow it, and find their nest at the very least.
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