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AntFlights.com: A Website Dedicated to Recording the Time and Dates of Nuptial Flights all Around the World

nuptial flights antflights.com

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#1 Offline AntsBC - Posted May 23 2019 - 5:54 PM


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While I was surfing around on Reddit today, I found a link to an interesting and fairly new ant website.


It's called AntFlights.com, and its purpose is to record the time and dates of nuptial flights all around the world. Essentially, it is like the website version of the Queen Ant Spotting/Mating Chart.

Since the website is basically brand new, it has somewhat limited features. Although, the developers are apparently working on some cool functions (Eg. Region Selection: what nuptial flights are going on in which region).
Anyways, I'm not sure what ya'll will think of this website, but I just figured it was an idea worth sharing. Hopefully, some of you guys will take a look at it.
Personally, I think it's a really good idea to connect the knowledge of ant keepers from different communities/forums all over the world!

Edited by AntsBC, May 23 2019 - 6:06 PM.

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#2 Offline Barristan - Posted May 24 2019 - 12:52 AM


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Yet another Website :). I created a similar Website: http://antkeeping.info/flights

However not many people do report flights there directly. I mostly entered flights from various Forums.

It is sad that now the reports are even more fragmented

Edited by Barristan, May 24 2019 - 12:53 AM.

#3 Offline rargueso - Posted June 7 2019 - 6:53 AM



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I think they are not the same although the idea is similar. In any case, getting the community to use this type of system is complex and you have to fine-tune how the website works so that it works and is adopted.
I encourage you to continue improving your site.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: nuptial flights, antflights.com

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