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Black-Lighting Public Journal

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143 replies to this topic

#141 Offline CatsnAnts - Posted June 29 2020 - 7:32 PM


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Finally had a good night tonight! I found 1 Pheidole bicarinata queen (most of the ones from last night killed each other since I didn’t have to time move them into test tubes before I had to go to work :(), lots of Temnothorax (curvispinosus and ambiguus, which I can now replicate my five queen T. ambiguus colony from last year). And lastly, I just happened to stumble across a Colobopsis impressa queen right now!

Edit: I’ve noticed that temnothorax like to wait a day after rain while Pheidole like to fly the night of the day that it rains. It also seems that Colobopsis like to fly right before it storms, as it is now storming, similar to last year when I found my C. mississippiensis queen right as it began to rain.

Edited by CatsnAnts, June 29 2020 - 7:57 PM.


#142 Offline rcbuggy88 - Posted June 29 2020 - 8:16 PM


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Found 3 Nylanderia vividula queens today. Not bad, all had males attached to the ends so likely fertile. Wasn't even dark yet when I caught them, probably during sunset. After dark, the moths and beetles came.

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My Shop     :D  :iamsohappy:  :dance3:  :yahoo:

Currently Keeping: Camponotus clarithorax, Camponotus hyatti, Tetramorium immigransNylanderia vividula, Liometopum occidentaleCamponotus modoc, Zootermopsis sp.

Wanted: Acromyrmex versicolor, Myrmecocystus sp., Camponotus us-ca02 (vibrant red not dull orange), Prenolepis imparis, Anything else I don't have lol...

Kept Before: Solenopsis molesta, Prenolepis imparis (still got one, but infertile)

#143 Offline CatsnAnts - Posted June 30 2020 - 2:02 AM


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I just got up this morning and went outside with my blacklight, I found two Pheidole morrisii queens! I have a feeling that I missed there flight, so I’ll get up a little earlier next time.

I’m surprised that they even flew, it was only 70 degrees. I also found some solenopsis molesta as well. I think I may finally have a P. morrisii queens, but it needs verification.

Double edit: So in total, I found:
1 Pheidole bicarinata
7 Temnothorax ambiguus :yahoo: (they like to hang around the edges of the white sheet)
13-14 Temnothorax curvispinosus
1 Colobopsis impressa
2 Solenopsis molesta
2 Pheidole cf. morrisii :yahoo:

Edited by CatsnAnts, June 30 2020 - 2:26 AM.

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#144 Offline rcbuggy88 - Posted July 2 2020 - 4:27 PM


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The beetles I seem to be finding every night (the golden ones from a couple posts back) are Cyclocephala hirta, or at least I'm pretty sure. 

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My Shop     :D  :iamsohappy:  :dance3:  :yahoo:

Currently Keeping: Camponotus clarithorax, Camponotus hyatti, Tetramorium immigransNylanderia vividula, Liometopum occidentaleCamponotus modoc, Zootermopsis sp.

Wanted: Acromyrmex versicolor, Myrmecocystus sp., Camponotus us-ca02 (vibrant red not dull orange), Prenolepis imparis, Anything else I don't have lol...

Kept Before: Solenopsis molesta, Prenolepis imparis (still got one, but infertile)

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