If you choose to go this route, you can. I have never used any of those nests, nor seen any in person.
You can pick any one. Try to pick one with a hydration system. Get one that isn't too big, or your colony might encounter issues.
Keep in mind that the foraging area should be big enough for you to easily clean, and the sides high enough for an escape barrier.
Personally, I prefer horizontal nests over vertical ones.
On that site I prefer the plaster looking ones, but depending on the type of plaster will depend how fast it molds.
Or you can go with a smaller acrylic nest:
I am no good with Chinese, and am relying on Google translate. So I didn't explore that site much.
Alternatively, you can look for nests on other sites like ebay (keep in mind each ebay is seperate) -
Not many people on this site are selling nests, but I have a few listed if you haven't seen them yet.