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Southern California Anting

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#81 Offline kellakk - Posted April 1 2015 - 3:45 PM


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The area we go to most is a designated camping spot just outside the gate of Joshua Tree National Park on BLM land. The Pinyon Pines area is a good anting area, and I think there are some camp grounds around there. Also, Box Canyon near Mecca, CA is an awesome camping spot, but probably not a place you want to be during the monsoon thunderstorms. I got stuck in a flash flood there. The road washes away every summer.


I can confirm to everything here besides the monsoon experience. I camped at Painted Canyon in the same canyonlands near Mecca recently.  There's plenty of Veromessor pergandeiMyrmecocystus sp.Pheidole sp., and other ants out there.

Current Species:
Camponotus fragilis

Novomessor cockerelli

Pogonomyrmex montanus

Pogonomyrmex rugosus

Manica bradleyi



#82 Offline Foogoo - Posted April 4 2015 - 8:53 PM


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Looks like rain possibly forecasted for the coming week, and of course, right before the weekend I'm not free. :sore:

Camponotus vicinus, Crematogaster 1, Crematogaster 2, Formica francoeuri, *, *, Myrmecocystus testaceus, Novomessor cockerelli, Pheidole hyatti, Pogonomyrmex californicus, Pogonomyrmex rugosus, Solenopsis invicta

#83 Offline dspdrew - Posted April 4 2015 - 10:14 PM

  • LocationSanta Ana, CA

Well the problem is it's going to be cold. Maybe day time temps will be decent, but night time temps will be really low for the next 10 days.

#84 Offline PTAntFan - Posted April 5 2015 - 10:38 AM


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I was planning to go out anting today until I woke up and felt the temps.  It's warming up a bit now, but can't imagine much will be happening up here. :(

PTAntFan----------------------------------Pogonomyrmex Californicus*****************************<p>I use the $3 Tower I made up. See it here.

#85 Offline dspdrew - Posted April 5 2015 - 11:28 AM

  • LocationSanta Ana, CA

It's not looking too bad. There's even another chance of rain coming up next weekend, with slightly warmer temperatures right after. I'll definitely be going out if that happens. The first storm probably won't do much for nocturnal fliers, but possibly diurnal. Only thing is I can't think of much that would fly during the day right now but Myrmecocystus. This will be perfect though, because they make founding chambers in spots that would be noticeable, so I'll also be able to check for them too when I go out. That would be two warm days after rain, so that increases the chance of finding them. I just try to plan my trips in a way that gives me the highest probability that I won't be coming home with empty test tubes.

#86 Offline PTAntFan - Posted April 5 2015 - 11:39 AM


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I don't have any ants right now, so I am eager to get my hands on anything that's available.  If i had my druthers I'd get some kind of polymorphic species because I just find that aspect of ant biology completely amazing.  Pheidole is pretty good for that and beginners, right?

PTAntFan----------------------------------Pogonomyrmex Californicus*****************************<p>I use the $3 Tower I made up. See it here.

#87 Offline dspdrew - Posted April 5 2015 - 11:55 AM

  • LocationSanta Ana, CA

Pheidole would be good.

#88 Offline Foogoo - Posted April 5 2015 - 12:06 PM


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I don't have any ants right now, so I am eager to get my hands on anything that's available.  If i had my druthers I'd get some kind of polymorphic species because I just find that aspect of ant biology completely amazing.  Pheidole is pretty good for that and beginners, right?


You're welcome to have one of my Dorymyrmex insanus queens since you're not too far away, though you'd probably want to wait until the first nanitics develop. I really want a Myrmecocystus and I've seen them up by JPL so if you find one, we can trade.


I have a Pheidole and they are very interesting, but a bit of a pain since they're escape artists.

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Camponotus vicinus, Crematogaster 1, Crematogaster 2, Formica francoeuri, *, *, Myrmecocystus testaceus, Novomessor cockerelli, Pheidole hyatti, Pogonomyrmex californicus, Pogonomyrmex rugosus, Solenopsis invicta

#89 Offline PTAntFan - Posted April 5 2015 - 12:35 PM


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I am completely down for that, Foogoo and I will look for Myrms this week in that area.  My mom lives over there in my rental so I am there a lot.  Do you know when they fly offhand?  Day/Night and is there a specific specied you're looking for?

Edited by PTAntFan, April 5 2015 - 12:36 PM.

PTAntFan----------------------------------Pogonomyrmex Californicus*****************************<p>I use the $3 Tower I made up. See it here.

#90 Offline PTAntFan - Posted April 5 2015 - 1:22 PM


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Drew, I was thinking about something like this attached flyer.  Thoughts?  Feedback?  The phone is just a Google Voice number.

Attached this time. Duh.

Attached Files

PTAntFan----------------------------------Pogonomyrmex Californicus*****************************<p>I use the $3 Tower I made up. See it here.

#91 Offline dspdrew - Posted April 5 2015 - 3:00 PM

  • LocationSanta Ana, CA

Haha I like that. Tweeting it might actually be easy enough that you might get some feedback.

#92 Offline Foogoo - Posted April 5 2015 - 3:16 PM


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I haven't caught Myrmecocystus myself but some of the folks here have caught them after rains.


Love the flyer! It might help to add something that appeals to the public, i.e. something about the drought, water, or helping rid invasive species ("The little black ants in your house").

Camponotus vicinus, Crematogaster 1, Crematogaster 2, Formica francoeuri, *, *, Myrmecocystus testaceus, Novomessor cockerelli, Pheidole hyatti, Pogonomyrmex californicus, Pogonomyrmex rugosus, Solenopsis invicta

#93 Offline Foogoo - Posted April 6 2015 - 2:02 PM


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Has anyone been to Saddleback Butte near Lake Los Angeles? One of the Google reviews say "No view, boring" which to me means "Not crowded, perfect."!

Camponotus vicinus, Crematogaster 1, Crematogaster 2, Formica francoeuri, *, *, Myrmecocystus testaceus, Novomessor cockerelli, Pheidole hyatti, Pogonomyrmex californicus, Pogonomyrmex rugosus, Solenopsis invicta

#94 Offline Gregory2455 - Posted April 6 2015 - 8:19 PM


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Has anyone been to Saddleback Butte near Lake Los Angeles? One of the Google reviews say "No view, boring" which to me means "Not crowded, perfect."!

Drove by it today. Its cool, I imagine the ants there include Myrmecocystus mexicanus, Veromessor pergandei, Pogonomyrmex spp, etc.

#95 Offline Gregory2455 - Posted April 6 2015 - 8:20 PM


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One of the Google reviews say "No view, boring" 

Do not trust Google reviews haha. :P Never actually been there, but it looks cool from a few miles away.

#96 Offline Foogoo - Posted April 10 2015 - 9:18 PM


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Did anyone find anything from the recent storm? Has anyone encountered Veromessor locally? Or are they all out in the desert?

Camponotus vicinus, Crematogaster 1, Crematogaster 2, Formica francoeuri, *, *, Myrmecocystus testaceus, Novomessor cockerelli, Pheidole hyatti, Pogonomyrmex californicus, Pogonomyrmex rugosus, Solenopsis invicta

#97 Offline dspdrew - Posted April 10 2015 - 10:59 PM

  • LocationSanta Ana, CA

It's just way too cold right now. Maybe not the daytime temperatures, but nighttime temps have been around five degrees below average. Trabuco Canyon got down into the 30's earlier this week.


Veromessor andrei can be found in the hills all around the Greater Los Angeles area, and V. pergandei I know can be found in many places around Riverside County.

#98 Offline PTAntFan - Posted April 11 2015 - 8:59 AM


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Man, it looks a LOT like the ants I found up in Placerita Cyn last week.

PTAntFan----------------------------------Pogonomyrmex Californicus*****************************<p>I use the $3 Tower I made up. See it here.

#99 Offline dspdrew - Posted April 11 2015 - 10:23 AM

  • LocationSanta Ana, CA

Man, it looks a LOT like the ants I found up in Placerita Cyn last week.


What's "it"?

#100 Offline PTAntFan - Posted April 11 2015 - 10:29 AM


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Sorry, Veromessor Andrei.  Let me try to take those stacked shots now.  With profile.

PTAntFan----------------------------------Pogonomyrmex Californicus*****************************<p>I use the $3 Tower I made up. See it here.

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