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Southern California Anting

2472 replies to this topic

#961 Offline nurbs - Posted March 27 2018 - 7:52 PM


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I live 30 min. from agua dulce. I can check it on Thursday. I'll would like To join you anting. to learn a bit more. I have great spots around here with good diversity. and yet I have not gotten a single queen.


You haven't gotten a queen because you're looking when it's wet, but it's not hot enough. The entire SoCal area has been cold. You're in Simi Valley, right? That area got DRENCHED, up to 3 inches of rain in the past 7 days! More than any of us. It's warming up this Thursday and Friday, look in the mountain foothills, or head up the 5 into the high desert.

California Ants for Sale


Unidentified Myrmecocystus



Undescribed "Modoc"



Camponotus or Colobopsis yogi:


Camponotus us-ca02


Unidentified Formica


Pencil Case and Test Tube Formicariums
Bloodworm Soup

#962 Offline KBant - Posted March 27 2018 - 11:23 PM


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So jealous! I hope I can go anting too when I get back. 1 more week of vacation. It was raining when I left Australia and it was supposed to get warm. would have been nice to see some flights! Oh well

#963 Offline nurbs - Posted March 28 2018 - 12:36 PM


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I live 30 min. from agua dulce. I can check it on Thursday. I'll would like To join you anting. to learn a bit more. I have great spots around here with good diversity. and yet I have not gotten a single queen.


Check Thursday evening, after sunset, and please report back! Don't forget a headlamp. For many species such as Camponotus, there will no be founding chambers. They will be crawling around at night. Looks on rocks, trees, falling branches, stumps, etc. Again, this will all be at night. Also stay away from creepy clowns and windowless black vans.


I'm going local Thursday night, and then head out into the high desert Friday from the West. Drew will be checking my neck of the woods Friday evening, and he is heading into the high desert from the East (Phelan area), and I'll be coming in from the West. Lots of ground to cover, and there are lots of places that look primed for flights. Fingers crossed.


There will be much Ant_Rage if nothing flies.

California Ants for Sale


Unidentified Myrmecocystus



Undescribed "Modoc"



Camponotus or Colobopsis yogi:


Camponotus us-ca02


Unidentified Formica


Pencil Case and Test Tube Formicariums
Bloodworm Soup

#964 Offline dspdrew - Posted March 28 2018 - 3:42 PM

  • LocationSanta Ana, CA

Hey Drew check this out tell me what you think. thx for all the help bud.


None of those look like founding chambers to me.

#965 Offline T.C. - Posted March 28 2018 - 5:48 PM


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You just had to keep all them images in your post. :warning:

Edited by T.C., March 28 2018 - 5:48 PM.


#966 Offline Scrixx - Posted March 28 2018 - 7:10 PM


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I live 30 min. from agua dulce. I can check it on Thursday. I'll would like To join you anting. to learn a bit more. I have great spots around here with good diversity. and yet I have not gotten a single queen.


Check Thursday evening, after sunset, and please report back! Don't forget a headlamp. For many species such as Camponotus, there will no be founding chambers. They will be crawling around at night. Looks on rocks, trees, falling branches, stumps, etc. Again, this will all be at night. Also stay away from creepy clowns and windowless black vans.


I'm going local Thursday night, and then head out into the high desert Friday from the West. Drew will be checking my neck of the woods Friday evening, and he is heading into the high desert from the East (Phelan area), and I'll be coming in from the West. Lots of ground to cover, and there are lots of places that look primed for flights. Fingers crossed.


There will be much Ant_Rage if nothing flies.



The only place I've really caught queens is in the desert after rain. Not sure where and when to go for non desert species, I could use some help please and thank you. I'm in the Fontana area and the Cajon Junction is close to me. Do you think there will be flights there or should I explore the base of mountains instead? Phelan isn't that much further. 

ScrixxAnts Queen Adoption

YouTube: View my ants

Keeping: Camponotus sansabeanus - C. vicinus - Formica francoeuri - Liometopum occidentale -  Pogonomyrmex californicus - P. rugosus - P. subnitidus - Solenopsis molesta - S. xyloni - Tapinoma sessile - Temnothorax sp.

Journals: Camponotus sansabeanus & C. vicinus | Pogonomyrmex californicus & P. rugosus | Solenopsis molesta & S. xyloni

Discontinued: Pogonomyrmex subnitidus

#967 Offline dspdrew - Posted March 28 2018 - 8:31 PM

  • LocationSanta Ana, CA



I live 30 min. from agua dulce. I can check it on Thursday. I'll would like To join you anting. to learn a bit more. I have great spots around here with good diversity. and yet I have not gotten a single queen.

Check Thursday evening, after sunset, and please report back! Don't forget a headlamp. For many species such as Camponotus, there will no be founding chambers. They will be crawling around at night. Looks on rocks, trees, falling branches, stumps, etc. Again, this will all be at night. Also stay away from creepy clowns and windowless black vans.
I'm going local Thursday night, and then head out into the high desert Friday from the West. Drew will be checking my neck of the woods Friday evening, and he is heading into the high desert from the East (Phelan area), and I'll be coming in from the West. Lots of ground to cover, and there are lots of places that look primed for flights. Fingers crossed.
There will be much Ant_Rage if nothing flies.


The only place I've really caught queens is in the desert after rain. Not sure where and when to go for non desert species, I could use some help please and thank you. I'm in the Fontana area and the Cajon Junction is close to me. Do you think there will be flights there or should I explore the base of mountains instead? Phelan isn't that much further.


It should be simple for someone living where you are. Starting tomorrow night, drive up into the forest a little ways on any of the many roads around there like Lytle Creek Rd, and look around with a flashlight after dark. There you will find large Camponotus crawling around, usually after it has been dark for about an hour or so.


More toward the base of the mountains, try running a black light at night. There you will find many small species, like Temnothorax and Pheidole. You also might find Liometopum occidentale as well.


The next few days try looking around in more open areas, like deserts and washes for founding chambers, day or night. In those you might find various Honeypot ants.
Edit: Also around that area, if it reaches 70 F or so by 9:00 am, Formica francoeuri might fly too. If they do, you will find them running around near washes and open sandy areas the rest of the day and into the evening.

Edited by dspdrew, March 28 2018 - 8:45 PM.

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#968 Offline Scrixx - Posted March 28 2018 - 10:16 PM


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The only place I've really caught queens is in the desert after rain. Not sure where and when to go for non desert species, I could use some help please and thank you. I'm in the Fontana area and the Cajon Junction is close to me. Do you think there will be flights there or should I explore the base of mountains instead? Phelan isn't that much further.


It should be simple for someone living where you are. Starting tomorrow night, drive up into the forest a little ways on any of the many roads around there like Lytle Creek Rd, and look around with a flashlight after dark. There you will find large Camponotus crawling around, usually after it has been dark for about an hour or so.


More toward the base of the mountains, try running a black light at night. There you will find many small species, like Temnothorax and Pheidole. You also might find Liometopum occidentale as well.


The next few days try looking around in more open areas, like deserts and washes for founding chambers, day or night. In those you might find various Honeypot ants.
Edit: Also around that area, if it reaches 70 F or so by 9:00 am, Formica francoeuri might fly too. If they do, you will find them running around near washes and open sandy areas the rest of the day and into the evening.



Thanks a lot! I'll give it a shot on Friday. 

ScrixxAnts Queen Adoption

YouTube: View my ants

Keeping: Camponotus sansabeanus - C. vicinus - Formica francoeuri - Liometopum occidentale -  Pogonomyrmex californicus - P. rugosus - P. subnitidus - Solenopsis molesta - S. xyloni - Tapinoma sessile - Temnothorax sp.

Journals: Camponotus sansabeanus & C. vicinus | Pogonomyrmex californicus & P. rugosus | Solenopsis molesta & S. xyloni

Discontinued: Pogonomyrmex subnitidus

#969 Offline nurbs - Posted March 28 2018 - 10:19 PM


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What Drew said Scrixx. It should be fairly easy if you look at night with a headlamp. We are guessing lots of things will fly this weekend, and finding them right after they fly is obviously the best time.

California Ants for Sale


Unidentified Myrmecocystus



Undescribed "Modoc"



Camponotus or Colobopsis yogi:


Camponotus us-ca02


Unidentified Formica


Pencil Case and Test Tube Formicariums
Bloodworm Soup

#970 Offline dspdrew - Posted March 28 2018 - 11:03 PM

  • LocationSanta Ana, CA

Looking at the weather closer, and the weather history, I think there is actually a good chance Formica francoeuri could fly around the Cajon Pass area Friday morning. The only problem is it might be a tiny bit too early. They did fly the first week of April once in Riverside.


I actually saw their entire mating flight one year.


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#971 Offline Dnail - Posted March 29 2018 - 3:55 AM


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Looking at the weather closer, and the weather history, I think there is actually a good chance Formica francoeuri could fly around the Cajon Pass area Friday morning. The only problem is it might be a tiny bit too early. They did fly the first week of April once in Riverside.


I actually saw their entire mating flight one year.


wow! cool!


2 Odontomachus aciculatus 

2 Polyrachis Dives

3 Camponotus sp

#972 Offline Scrixx - Posted March 29 2018 - 11:50 AM


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What Drew said Scrixx. It should be fairly easy if you look at night with a headlamp. We are guessing lots of things will fly this weekend, and finding them right after they fly is obviously the best time.



Looking at the weather closer, and the weather history, I think there is actually a good chance Formica francoeuri could fly around the Cajon Pass area Friday morning. The only problem is it might be a tiny bit too early. They did fly the first week of April once in Riverside.


I actually saw their entire mating flight one year.



Thought I'd get back to you guys as thanks. Checked out Lytle Creek today from 10-12. It was 69F at 10, 75F at 12. Ground was moist at some areas. No flights but found two different species with alates at the nest entrance. They kept peeking out, walking around, before going back in the nest. About 3 alates actually flew but I didn't grab them, bit hard to find them in that habitat and there's a low chance they would've mated. One was a medium sized species and the other was pheidole sized. I grabbed a worker from the medium sized nest and a worker from what I believe is Camponotus. I'll post IDs later. Speaking of Camponotus, I could not find their nests. In fact nests were a bit sparse in that area and I walked around for a solid 2 hours. Barely found any nests in the ground. Though the ground squirrels are out and about now if anyone was interested.


With all that in mind there's definitely going to be some flights tomorrow like you guys said. Hoping to catch some Camponotus so I guess I'll drop by in the morning and the evening. 

  • nurbs likes this

ScrixxAnts Queen Adoption

YouTube: View my ants

Keeping: Camponotus sansabeanus - C. vicinus - Formica francoeuri - Liometopum occidentale -  Pogonomyrmex californicus - P. rugosus - P. subnitidus - Solenopsis molesta - S. xyloni - Tapinoma sessile - Temnothorax sp.

Journals: Camponotus sansabeanus & C. vicinus | Pogonomyrmex californicus & P. rugosus | Solenopsis molesta & S. xyloni

Discontinued: Pogonomyrmex subnitidus

#973 Offline anttics - Posted March 29 2018 - 11:55 AM


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I live 30 min. from agua dulce. I can check it on Thursday. I'll would like To join you anting. to learn a bit more. I have great spots around here with good diversity. and yet I have not gotten a single queen.

Check Thursday evening, after sunset, and please report back! Don't forget a headlamp. For many species such as Camponotus, there will no be founding chambers. They will be crawling around at night. Looks on rocks, trees, falling branches, stumps, etc. Again, this will all be at night. Also stay away from creepy clowns and windowless black vans.

I'm going local Thursday night, and then head out into the high desert Friday from the West. Drew will be checking my neck of the woods Friday evening, and he is heading into the high desert from the East (Phelan area), and I'll be coming in from the West. Lots of ground to cover, and there are lots of places that look primed for flights. Fingers crossed.

There will be much Ant_Rage if nothing flies.

I will try to be at Vasquez rock around 8pm. I'm super prepared now. I have night vision goggles. to stalk any scary clown lol. headlamp, tactical 9000 lumen flashlight. I have a 9mm, but I'll take a knife instead. don't want to get shot by cops lol. and camo clothing. this will be my first time at night in the desert. let's see if fear does not take over. if anyone else from here goes. let me know I would get spook if I see other light around there.
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#974 Offline nurbs - Posted March 29 2018 - 12:03 PM


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I live 30 min. from agua dulce. I can check it on Thursday. I'll would like To join you anting. to learn a bit more. I have great spots around here with good diversity. and yet I have not gotten a single queen.

Check Thursday evening, after sunset, and please report back! Don't forget a headlamp. For many species such as Camponotus, there will no be founding chambers. They will be crawling around at night. Looks on rocks, trees, falling branches, stumps, etc. Again, this will all be at night. Also stay away from creepy clowns and windowless black vans.

I'm going local Thursday night, and then head out into the high desert Friday from the West. Drew will be checking my neck of the woods Friday evening, and he is heading into the high desert from the East (Phelan area), and I'll be coming in from the West. Lots of ground to cover, and there are lots of places that look primed for flights. Fingers crossed.

There will be much Ant_Rage if nothing flies.

I will try to be at Vasquez rock around 8pm. I'm super prepared now. I have night vision goggles. to stalk any scary clown lol. headlamp, tactical 9000 lumen flashlight. I have a 9mm, but I'll take a knife instead. don't want to get shot by cops lol. and camo clothing. this will be my first time at night in the desert. let's see if fear does not take over. if anyone else from here goes. let me know I would get spook if I see other light around there.



Please do and report back! I am going local tonight. They close the gates at 7pm for parking, but believe you can park on the side of the road and walk in.

California Ants for Sale


Unidentified Myrmecocystus



Undescribed "Modoc"



Camponotus or Colobopsis yogi:


Camponotus us-ca02


Unidentified Formica


Pencil Case and Test Tube Formicariums
Bloodworm Soup

#975 Offline StopSpazzing - Posted March 29 2018 - 12:42 PM


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So this thread is nice, but... wish it was more concrete, like people that are going anting color their text when its related to time/place or something.


This is the info I have read or talked to:




NurbsI'm going local Thursday night, and then head out into the high desert Friday from the West.


DrewDrew will be checking Nurbs neck of the woods Friday evening (Chaney Trail), and he is heading into the high desert from the East (Phelan area), and Nurbs be coming in from the West.





Concerning people going, if my wife approves of me going, will be going to Chaney Trail, my son in tow. I can comfortably fit 2 more people in my car. I live in Fullerton. If you are on the way or slightly out of the way don't mind picking you up. However, if you live in Santa Monica, huge detour (30 miles) and would need money for gas. Anyone under 18 that wants to go, read the conditions below, otherwise contact via PM for any questions.


Conditions for persons under 18:

  • Due to California LAW, I would need to talk to and confirm everything with your parents beforehand, I don't want to kidnap anyone. Not joking.
  • Your parents need to understand that you MAY and COULD get hurt during the journey. I will provide first aid.
  • Legally, I would be responsible for you, therefore you would have to listen to what I say on the trip.
  • You WILL be out late, HIKING, so if you aren't up to this, then please refrain from messaging me. Not sure how late, currently.
  • Need to bring your own supplies/anting equipment. I will not assume liability over any damaged or lost articles of properly. I suggest a backpack to put all your stuff in, which is what I use.
  • No weapons of any kind, including knives, tasers, fireworks, etc. are allowed.


Decided to just take my son since we are too new for the community and may spend the night at this location. Don't mind meeting up at the location, but currently not driving anyone this trip.


Mods/Admins, feel free to edit my post to fix inaccurate information.

Edited by StopSpazzing, March 29 2018 - 2:16 PM.

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> Ant Keeping Wiki is back up! Currently being migrated from old wiki. :)Looking to adopt out: Crematogaster sp. (Acrobat Ants) colonies

#976 Offline WestLA_DO - Posted March 29 2018 - 1:05 PM


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I live 30 min. from agua dulce. I can check it on Thursday. I'll would like To join you anting. to learn a bit more. I have great spots around here with good diversity. and yet I have not gotten a single queen.

Check Thursday evening, after sunset, and please report back! Don't forget a headlamp. For many species such as Camponotus, there will no be founding chambers. They will be crawling around at night. Looks on rocks, trees, falling branches, stumps, etc. Again, this will all be at night. Also stay away from creepy clowns and windowless black vans.

I'm going local Thursday night, and then head out into the high desert Friday from the West. Drew will be checking my neck of the woods Friday evening, and he is heading into the high desert from the East (Phelan area), and I'll be coming in from the West. Lots of ground to cover, and there are lots of places that look primed for flights. Fingers crossed.

There will be much Ant_Rage if nothing flies.
I will try to be at Vasquez rock around 8pm. I'm super prepared now. I have night vision goggles. to stalk any scary clown lol. headlamp, tactical 9000 lumen flashlight. I have a 9mm, but I'll take a knife instead. don't want to get shot by cops lol. and camo clothing. this will be my first time at night in the desert. let's see if fear does not take over. if anyone else from here goes. let me know I would get spook if I see other light around there.

Hey anttic, I'll probably end up getting there a little after 9pm. Maybe I'll see you there. Don't stab me if you see someone with a headlamp looking at the ground. :)

#977 Offline nurbs - Posted March 29 2018 - 1:14 PM


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Concerning people going, if my wife approves of me going, will be going to Chaney Trail, my son in tow. I can comfortably fit 2 more people in my car. I live in Fullerton. If you are on the way or slightly out of the way don't mind picking you up. However, if you live in Santa Monica, huge detour (30 miles) and would need money for gas. Anyone under 18 that wants to go, read the conditions below, otherwise contact via PM for any questions.


Conditions for persons under 18:

  • Due to California LAW, I would need to talk to and confirm everything with your parents beforehand, I don't want to kidnap anyone. Not joking.
  • Your parents need to understand that you MAY and COULD get hurt during the journey. I will provide first aid.
  • Legally, I would be responsible for you, therefore you would have to listen to what I say on the trip.
  • You WILL be out late, HIKING, so if you aren't up to this, then please refrain from messaging me. Not sure how late, currently.
  • Need to bring your own supplies/anting equipment. I will not assume liability over any damaged or lost articles of properly. I suggest a backpack to put all your stuff in, which is what I use.





Mods/Admins, feel free to edit my post to fix inaccurate information.



In the past few days I've had several people message not only on here, but also on Facebook asking to pick them up and come along. I drive a regular cab pickup truck, so can't fit more than my gear and myself. I also lay across the bench and sleep in it sometimes. 


Not against picking up strangers, and pretty sure most everyone on here are normal sane folks and don't like to dress up as clowns - but doing this can also open up a huge can of worms, especially with people you've never met in person. 


People always ask where to go and think I have the magic spot and want to tag along, but everywhere I visit is based on a rain map and heat.


I use this map for history and weather precip:




Then I look at the weather in those areas where it will hit over 75F, and then drive to those spots looking. It's a hit and miss thing, and can test your patience. It's another reason I don't like bring people along because it can take all night or well into the next day.


But use this map, look at your location, and find the closest spot to go anting!


California Ants for Sale


Unidentified Myrmecocystus



Undescribed "Modoc"



Camponotus or Colobopsis yogi:


Camponotus us-ca02


Unidentified Formica


Pencil Case and Test Tube Formicariums
Bloodworm Soup

#978 Offline StopSpazzing - Posted March 29 2018 - 1:44 PM


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Concerning people going, if my wife approves of me going, will be going to Chaney Trail, my son in tow. I can comfortably fit 2 more people in my car. I live in Fullerton. If you are on the way or slightly out of the way don't mind picking you up. However, if you live in Santa Monica, huge detour (30 miles) and would need money for gas. Anyone under 18 that wants to go, read the conditions below, otherwise contact via PM for any questions.


Conditions for persons under 18:

  • Due to California LAW, I would need to talk to and confirm everything with your parents beforehand, I don't want to kidnap anyone. Not joking.
  • Your parents need to understand that you MAY and COULD get hurt during the journey. I will provide first aid.
  • Legally, I would be responsible for you, therefore you would have to listen to what I say on the trip.
  • You WILL be out late, HIKING, so if you aren't up to this, then please refrain from messaging me. Not sure how late, currently.
  • Need to bring your own supplies/anting equipment. I will not assume liability over any damaged or lost articles of properly. I suggest a backpack to put all your stuff in, which is what I use.





Mods/Admins, feel free to edit my post to fix inaccurate information.



In the past few days I've had several people message not only on here, but also on Facebook asking to pick them up and come along. I drive a regular cab pickup truck, so can't fit more than my gear and myself. I also lay across the bench and sleep in it sometimes. 


Not against picking up strangers, and pretty sure most everyone on here are normal sane folks and don't like to dress up as clowns - but doing this can also open up a huge can of worms, especially with people you've never met in person. 


People always ask where to go and think I have the magic spot and want to tag along, but everywhere I visit is based on a rain map and heat.


I use this map for history and weather precip:




Then I look at the weather in those areas where it will hit over 75F, and then drive to those spots looking. It's a hit and miss thing, and can test your patience. It's another reason I don't like bring people along because it can take all night or well into the next day.


But use this map, look at your location, and find the closest spot to go anting!



Thanks for heads up, I am aware of the risks. :)




Altadena will be 82F tomorrow, was 79F today, and recently rained in past 7 days, 0.5-1.5 inches. This is why I chose Chaney Trail.

Edited by StopSpazzing, March 29 2018 - 1:48 PM.

> Ant Keeping Wiki is back up! Currently being migrated from old wiki. :)Looking to adopt out: Crematogaster sp. (Acrobat Ants) colonies

#979 Offline anttics - Posted March 29 2018 - 1:45 PM


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I live 30 min. from agua dulce. I can check it on Thursday. I'll would like To join you anting. to learn a bit more. I have great spots around here with good diversity. and yet I have not gotten a single queen.

Check Thursday evening, after sunset, and please report back! Don't forget a headlamp. For many species such as Camponotus, there will no be founding chambers. They will be crawling around at night. Looks on rocks, trees, falling branches, stumps, etc. Again, this will all be at night. Also stay away from creepy clowns and windowless black vans.

I'm going local Thursday night, and then head out into the high desert Friday from the West. Drew will be checking my neck of the woods Friday evening, and he is heading into the high desert from the East (Phelan area), and I'll be coming in from the West. Lots of ground to cover, and there are lots of places that look primed for flights. Fingers crossed.

There will be much Ant_Rage if nothing flies.
I will try to be at Vasquez rock around 8pm. I'm super prepared now. I have night vision goggles. to stalk any scary clown lol. headlamp, tactical 9000 lumen flashlight. I have a 9mm, but I'll take a knife instead. don't want to get shot by cops lol. and camo clothing. this will be my first time at night in the desert. let's see if fear does not take over. if anyone else from here goes. let me know I would get spook if I see other light around there.
Hey anttic, I'll probably end up getting there a little after 9pm. Maybe I'll see you there. Don't stab me if you see someone with a headlamp looking at the ground. :)

lol. do not worry. I'm a peaceful, friendly, and respectful person. who tries to be ready for the worst. like a spyco better to be arm than not. nice I rather not being alone. post here when you get there. I'll check this post around 9pm so we could meet up. if you have experience anting I could use some tips.
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#980 Offline nurbs - Posted March 29 2018 - 1:50 PM


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Thanks for heads up, I am aware of the risks. :)




Altadena will be 82F tomorrow, was 79F today, and recently rained in past 7 days, 0.5-1.5 inches. This is why I chose Chaney Trail.




Cool, good luck! Drew may be hitting that spot up tomorrow as am I. Want to say again that they have a gate that closes at 8pm, so you won't be able to do much night anting unless you decide to sleep in your car (which I have done a number of times at Chaney).

California Ants for Sale


Unidentified Myrmecocystus



Undescribed "Modoc"



Camponotus or Colobopsis yogi:


Camponotus us-ca02


Unidentified Formica


Pencil Case and Test Tube Formicariums
Bloodworm Soup

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