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Southern California Anting

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#921 Offline dspdrew - Posted March 15 2018 - 2:45 AM

  • LocationSanta Ana, CA

I drove out to Whitewater after work Tuesday, getting there around 8:30 pm. It was pouring rain the entire way, but the second I got to Whitewater it mostly stopped and turned intermittent. I parked on the 111, and the second I stepped out, I saw a queen heading back down its founding chamber. I waited 'till it came back out again and snatched it. It was a Myrmecocystus queen. :)


Later I met up with nurbs and we found a whole bunch of these queens, along with some Veromessor pergandei and Pheidole barbata. The craziest part is how these queens were digging their nests in the rain. The wind was crazy too, and very annoying. Most of my queens I got by sitting and waiting for them to come out of their chambers. Digging them up results in a much lower success rate. That's why Mr. impatience didn't get as many as me. :lol:


The Myrmecocystus queens are the ones with a redish head, purplish thorax, and yellow/brownish gaster. I have seen queens of those exact (what at first seemed unique) colors end up being M. mimicus, M. wheeleri, and another orange and black species I have not yet ID'd. I'll bet there's even more species with queens colored like that. I did see a few active Myrmecocystus nests with orange and black workers while I was out there, so I'll bet that is the same species as these queens. I sure hope so because I have a colony of these (assuming it's the same species) that got fairly large, but now their queen seems to have stopped producing.


I guess nurbs checked the area southwest of Palm Desert, and it was bone dry, so apparently the precipitation maps were a little inaccurate. it looks like the rain never made it very far into Palm Springs. I checked the far west Desert Hot Springs area, and it was dry too. Hopefully we get a bigger storm that can actually make it out to the desert before too long.

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#922 Offline anttics - Posted March 15 2018 - 10:47 AM


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I drove out to Whitewater after work Tuesday, getting there around 8:30 pm. It was pouring rain the entire way, but the second I got to Whitewater it mostly stopped and turned intermittent. I parked, and the second I stepped out, I saw a queen heading back down its founding chamber. I waited 'till it came back out again and snatched it. It was a Myrmecocystus queen. :)

Later I met up with nurbs and we found a whole bunch of these queens, along with some Veromessor pergandei and Pheidole barbata. The craziest part is how these queens were digging their nests in the rain. The wind was crazy too, and very annoying. Most of my queens I got by sitting and waiting for them to come out of their chambers. Digging them up results in a much lower success rate. That's why Mr. impatience didn't get as many as me. :lol:

The Myrmecocystus queens are the ones with a redish head, purplish thorax, and yellow/brownish gaster. I have seen queens of those exact (what at first seemed unique) colors end up being M. mimicus, M. wheeleri, and another orange and black species I have not yet ID'd. I'll bet there's even more species with queens colored like that. I did see a few active Myrmecocystus nests with orange and black workers while I was out there, so I'll bet that is the same species as these queens. I sure hope so because I have a colony of these (assuming it's the same species) that got fairly large, but now their queen seems to have stopped producing.

I guess nurbs checked the area southwest of Palm Desert, and it was bone dry, so apparently the precipitation maps were a little inaccurate. it looks like the rain never made it very far into Palm Springs. I checked the far west Desert Hot Springs area, and it was dry too. Hopefully we get a bigger storm that can actually make it out to the desert before too long.

Hello Andrew. I got the day free tomorrow. if I go whitewater. do you think I will be able to find some queens. or it all washed up by now. thx

#923 Offline dspdrew - Posted March 15 2018 - 4:17 PM

  • LocationSanta Ana, CA


I drove out to Whitewater after work Tuesday, getting there around 8:30 pm. It was pouring rain the entire way, but the second I got to Whitewater it mostly stopped and turned intermittent. I parked, and the second I stepped out, I saw a queen heading back down its founding chamber. I waited 'till it came back out again and snatched it. It was a Myrmecocystus queen. :)

Later I met up with nurbs and we found a whole bunch of these queens, along with some Veromessor pergandei and Pheidole barbata. The craziest part is how these queens were digging their nests in the rain. The wind was crazy too, and very annoying. Most of my queens I got by sitting and waiting for them to come out of their chambers. Digging them up results in a much lower success rate. That's why Mr. impatience didn't get as many as me. :lol:

The Myrmecocystus queens are the ones with a redish head, purplish thorax, and yellow/brownish gaster. I have seen queens of those exact (what at first seemed unique) colors end up being M. mimicus, M. wheeleri, and another orange and black species I have not yet ID'd. I'll bet there's even more species with queens colored like that. I did see a few active Myrmecocystus nests with orange and black workers while I was out there, so I'll bet that is the same species as these queens. I sure hope so because I have a colony of these (assuming it's the same species) that got fairly large, but now their queen seems to have stopped producing.

I guess nurbs checked the area southwest of Palm Desert, and it was bone dry, so apparently the precipitation maps were a little inaccurate. it looks like the rain never made it very far into Palm Springs. I checked the far west Desert Hot Springs area, and it was dry too. Hopefully we get a bigger storm that can actually make it out to the desert before too long.

Hello Andrew. I got the day free tomorrow. if I go whitewater. do you think I will be able to find some queens. or it all washed up by now. thx



Considering the fact that they were still digging in the rain, I think some of them were probably still digging after the rain, which would make their chambers pretty visible. They are probably finished by now, so you would have to dig them up. But yeah, I think you could find some.

#924 Offline StopSpazzing - Posted March 19 2018 - 1:13 PM


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FK seriously, gone for a week then miss out on anting.


There is a HUGE storm coming in SoCal. Tuesday night - Thursday. I havent really check all the areas going to be hit, but supposibly biggest for season. So, what about after this rain? Can we plan something?

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#925 Offline AntsCalifornia - Posted March 19 2018 - 3:07 PM


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Where is it even going to be hot enough for flights though.

#926 Offline dspdrew - Posted March 19 2018 - 5:05 PM

  • LocationSanta Ana, CA

Unfortunately the storm is mostly going to hit Santa Barbara and we aren't supposed to get very much from it. About 90 percent of the time we get much less than what is forecast too. The only hope is that it moves a little further south. If that happens then we could get quite a bit of rain from it. After the rain it's supposed to remain cold for as far out as the forecast goes too.

#927 Offline anttics - Posted March 20 2018 - 12:17 PM


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it rain on the weekend in simi valley and Vasquez rock. it was too cold for anything to fly. I went to a trail in Simi not a songle chamber. unlike last time I went unprepared and found tons.

#928 Offline AntsCalifornia - Posted March 20 2018 - 3:10 PM


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Not finding anything down here either, too cold.

#929 Offline MarcSquires - Posted March 21 2018 - 6:30 AM



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  • LocationSanta Barbara, CA

Unfortunately the storm is mostly going to hit Santa Barbara and we aren't supposed to get very much from it. About 90 percent of the time we get much less than what is forecast too. The only hope is that it moves a little further south. If that happens then we could get quite a bit of rain from it. After the rain it's supposed to remain cold for as far out as the forecast goes too.

That would be perfect for me if I knew where to look. Anyone coming to SB to ant pls hmu :)

#930 Offline anttics - Posted March 21 2018 - 1:05 PM


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Unfortunately the storm is mostly going to hit Santa Barbara and we aren't supposed
to get very much from it. About 90 percent of the time we get much less than what is forecast too. The only hope is that it moves a little further south. If that happens then we could get quite a bit of rain from it. After the rain it's supposed to remain cold for as far out as the forecast goes too.

That would be perfect for me if I knew where to look. Anyone coming to SB to ant pls hmu :)
I know a few spots around SB. and thousand oaks where I work. let me look it up. and let you know where to go.

try Knapp castle. E Camino cielo just a few miles from the castle. inspiration point trail head. make sure the tenp.is above 65 at night for any flights to happen

Edited by anttics, March 21 2018 - 1:14 PM.

#931 Offline MarcSquires - Posted March 21 2018 - 2:35 PM



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Unfortunately the storm is mostly going to hit Santa Barbara and we aren't supposed
to get very much from it. About 90 percent of the time we get much less than what is forecast too. The only hope is that it moves a little further south. If that happens then we could get quite a bit of rain from it. After the rain it's supposed to remain cold for as far out as the forecast goes too.

That would be perfect for me if I knew where to look. Anyone coming to SB to ant pls hmu :)
I know a few spots around SB. and thousand oaks where I work. let me look it up. and let you know where to go.

try Knapp castle. E Camino cielo just a few miles from the castle. inspiration point trail head. make sure the tenp.is above 65 at night for any flights to happen


Awesome! I'll be sure to check there after the rains. Thanks!

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#932 Offline dspdrew - Posted March 22 2018 - 6:12 AM

  • LocationSanta Ana, CA

Our weather forecasts are an absolute joke. Four days ago, they were claiming we here in OC would be getting 2 and a half inches of rain from this storm, and so far not one drop has fallen. The total they forecast for us always continues to drop until eventually the storm has passed and we are left with nothing. It does this nearly every single time, and has so far with almost every "storm" we got this winter. At this point, they are forecasting .3 inches of rain, which even if we got, is not going to help with much of anything when it comes to mating flights. Most likely the entire storm will pass and OC won't get any rain at all.


A margin of error is understandable, but 2.5 inches when really it's 0? That's just ridiculous. I wish a repeated margin or error of 100% was acceptable in my profession. Life would be pretty easy.

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#933 Offline Dnail - Posted March 22 2018 - 7:06 AM


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ugh i hope some day at my area will be some one like u drew


2 Odontomachus aciculatus 

2 Polyrachis Dives

3 Camponotus sp

#934 Offline StopSpazzing - Posted March 22 2018 - 8:53 AM


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Our weather forecasts are an absolute joke. Four days ago, they were claiming we here in OC would be getting 2 and a half inches of rain from this storm, and so far not one drop has fallen. The total they forecast for us always continues to drop until eventually the storm has passed and we are left with nothing. It does this nearly every single time, and has so far with almost every "storm" we got this winter. At this point, they are forecasting .3 inches of rain, which even if we got, is not going to help with much of anything when it comes to mating flights. Most likely the entire storm will pass and OC won't get any rain at all.


A margin of error is understandable, but 2.5 inches when really it's 0? That's just ridiculous. I wish a repeated margin or error of 100% was acceptable in my profession. Life would be pretty easy.

Just wanted to say... Kaaaaaazooo


Everyone should know by now weather isn't an exact science and is never 100% accurate. But seriousl,y it's raining drew :P

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#935 Offline dspdrew - Posted March 22 2018 - 9:20 AM

  • LocationSanta Ana, CA


Our weather forecasts are an absolute joke. Four days ago, they were claiming we here in OC would be getting 2 and a half inches of rain from this storm, and so far not one drop has fallen. The total they forecast for us always continues to drop until eventually the storm has passed and we are left with nothing. It does this nearly every single time, and has so far with almost every "storm" we got this winter. At this point, they are forecasting .3 inches of rain, which even if we got, is not going to help with much of anything when it comes to mating flights. Most likely the entire storm will pass and OC won't get any rain at all.


A margin of error is understandable, but 2.5 inches when really it's 0? That's just ridiculous. I wish a repeated margin or error of 100% was acceptable in my profession. Life would be pretty easy.

Just wanted to say... Kaaaaaazooo


Everyone should know by now weather isn't an exact science and is never 100% accurate. But seriousl,y it's raining drew :P



You seem to have misunderstood. Never did I say it should be 100% accurate, but it should not be 100% INACCURATE, repeatedly, or you need to check your science.

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#936 Offline AntsCalifornia - Posted March 22 2018 - 3:39 PM


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Anything looking like it will fly in Fontana after the storm is over, or is 60F too cold?

#937 Offline dspdrew - Posted March 22 2018 - 4:10 PM

  • LocationSanta Ana, CA

Anything looking like it will fly in Fontana after the storm is over, or is 60F too cold?


With a high of 67 tomorrow, I doubt it. Whitewater on the other hand, most likely, unless of course everything has already flown. I don't know. That area got about .3 inches of rain, and should be about 78 F tomorrow. I'll be going out there again Saturday.

#938 Offline StopSpazzing - Posted March 22 2018 - 6:19 PM


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Anything looking like it will fly in Fontana after the storm is over, or is 60F too cold?


With a high of 67 tomorrow, I doubt it. Whitewater on the other hand, most likely, unless of course everything has already flown. I don't know. That area got about .3 inches of rain, and should be about 78 F tomorrow. I'll be going out there again Saturday.


Wait, so Sat? @ Whitewater... what Time?


I think I may go tomorrow, since seems like a great day to go. If had a choice would rather not go by myself...but oh wells. What time of day is best?

Edited by StopSpazzing, March 22 2018 - 7:40 PM.

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#939 Offline anttics - Posted March 23 2018 - 7:44 AM


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I'm down to go guys. let's do an anting trip. drew will lead if he is ok with it.

#940 Offline dspdrew - Posted March 23 2018 - 8:09 AM

  • LocationSanta Ana, CA

I don't lead anything, but if anyone wants to go they can.


I probably won't even be going now. The forecast temps for today dropped 5 degrees.

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