I think honey bees shouldn't be focused on. While they are beneficial to the plants we have, native bees need our help and honey bees just out compete them by a long shot.
I'd like to hear other peoples' opinions on the matter; I'm conflicted on honey bee keeping vs. native bees, due to the usefulness to crops and usefulness to native ecosystems as a whole, respectively.
Native Bees and honey bees pollinate different things. Like Almonds? Need Honey Bees also native bees are harder to commercially use as pollinators. They are very effective in apple orchards from what I understand though.
Basically, Honey aside, Humans have made themselves dependent on the services of the Euroasian and African Honey bee. so many commercial crops absolutely depend on pollination from them. Native bees won't fill those gaps.
Also there are barely any wild, long term, honey bees left. Introductions of certain mites have reduced the Honeybees survival in the wild. they can be treated though by people who keep them.