Update 6-1-2021
I figured it was time for an update in here. I wanted to share a before and after photo of the front bed I am rebuilding after all the plants were destroyed during home repairs last summer. All of these plants were volunteers or raised from seeds, except for some Liatris bulbs I bought at the garden center. The total cost for this project was probably under $30.


The plants I have in the bed now are:
Penstemon digitalis (blooming)
Rudbeckia hirta
Rudbeckia fulgida
Monarda fistulosa
Echinacea purpurea
Liatris spicata
Zizia aurea
Chaemachrista fasiculata
Pycnanthemum tenuifolium
Oenothera speciosa
Edited by ANTdrew, June 1 2021 - 5:35 AM.