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Resident Myrmecologists at Harvard University?

harvard myrmecologists biology myrmecology

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#1 Offline AntsBC - Posted March 23 2019 - 6:44 PM


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Hey everyone,


I'm going to be visiting Harvard University in a week or so for hockey and I was wondering if there are currently any resident Myrmecologists there. As I'll be playing at Harvard's arena, I figured I might as well inquire to see if there are any Myrmecologists I could briefly meet with since I'll be close to the biology department.


So, if anyone knows of any Myrmecologists that work there and are willing to forward me their contact information that would be great!


Thanks in advance,


- AntsBC

Edited by AntsBC, March 23 2019 - 6:46 PM.

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#2 Offline ConcordAntman - Posted March 24 2019 - 8:15 AM


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There’s E. O. Wilson
He’s the Pellegrino University Research Professor, Emeritus in Entomology for the Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University and co-wrote this:
You might try contacting his office
Name: Edward O. Wilson
Appointment Title: Pellegrino University Professor, Emeritus
Department: CADM^OPR^OGB^Univ Profs
Office Phone: +1 617 495 2315
MCZ 408
University Mailing Address: Harvard University
Museum of Natural History
26 Oxford St
Cambridge MA 02138
Email: ewilson@oeb.harvard.edu
Unit: University Professor

Edited by ConcordAntman, March 24 2019 - 8:18 AM.

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#3 Offline ConcordAntman - Posted April 17 2019 - 1:26 PM


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So AntsBC, what happened? Were you able to see any of the myrmecology labs or meet any myrmecologists?

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: harvard, myrmecologists, biology, myrmecology

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