So for the first time this week I'll be able to actually sit down and think this through in more detail. Your queen seems to have 12 (?) antennal segments, while every picture of Plagiolepis allaudi queens and workers I can find has 11. The eyes on your queen also seem to be smaller, and the queen, now that I am able to take my time on this, is also way to big to be Plagiolepis, so sorry about that.
What I can't figure out, though, is why her profile looks so long and flattened in all the pictures, which led me to yell Plagiolepis prematurely. Plagiolepis is the only ant I know of in California, not that I've ever been there, that has that sort of weird look. It's in the size range of Lasius and has a Lasius-looking head. Maybe just perspective? There is something weird going on with her head in the picture at the top of this thread though. And in her last picture in the ID thread on TAFMF, her thorax almost looks like something sliced off the top of it or something.
So basically, I'm sorry to hijack an antkeeping thread and turn it into an ID thread, and I have barely looked at or thought about ants for months. At the same time, she's a really weird looking queen. I just don't know what to think anymore, and I need to stop trying pull off ID things like this at 2:30 am.