Thanks everyone! I agree with what you all have said and I appreciate the help. When I checked out Tetramorium bicarinatum they definitely looked much more similar to what I have than members of the other genera I was looking at, but were too big. I came across T. simillimum and thought they were a likely candidate based on the pictures of queens I came across. Looking now at pictures of what I can find for T. caldarium, I agree that this may be the most likely species. Thanks Aaron for leading me to these.
Edited by Wedge, January 25 2019 - 5:43 PM.
Current Colonies:
Camponotus festinatus, Camponotus sansabaenus, Camponotus sayi, Camponotus texanus, Camponotus vicinus, Leptogenys elongata, Monomorium minimum, Pachycondyla harpax, Pheidole dentata, Pheidole floridana,