Have had these ants for four months and it's my first colony. Bought a queen and five workers, and now have 23 workers with a huge pile of eggs (50+) and a dozen (maybe) pupae. I would expect another 15-20 nanitics in less than a month based on the pace so far - oh these are crematogaster cerasi. Despite my lack of know-how, experience and intrinsic patience, this queen is producing like crazy ... but now I have a dirty test tube and this will be the third move! Neither of the other moves has gone particularly well because they don't want to move.
The current test tube has cotton that is 80% black and the water is tinged slightly brown. Right now I have taken off the paper cover on their home test tube and am shining a light on it, while covering their destination test tube next door with paper. The test tubes are connected by an A/C portal with sand in it, so it's pretty easy for them to get to the new test tube without any climbing.
It's been about four hours and no sign of ant migration ... how long should I wait - a day, two days?
In the past, have tried pulling the cotton forward to motivate them, which worked until it didn't with a minor flood situation. Second time, they moved but left the eggs behind so I used a tiny paintbrush to move the eggs.
In videos I see, the ants just saunter over to the new test tube with a bounce in their stride, but I try not to believe everything I see on TV.
Thanks for any advice ... or commiseration.