Here’s a GIF of my Monomins feasting on fruit flies. They’re dwarfed by the tiny flies!
Wow My brain is trying to compute that size difference lol
Here’s a GIF of my Monomins feasting on fruit flies. They’re dwarfed by the tiny flies!
Wow My brain is trying to compute that size difference lol
Post some good photos here or do an ID thread to make sure they are Monomorium. I think Temnothorax could be a possibility if they were found in nuts. Monomorium are a soil dwelling species.
Yes, I sorta ruled out Temnothorax as these girls are very black, very shiny and T longispinosis is not supposed to live around here. I will post photos for a positive ID.
The shape of the head and antennae of Monomorium are pretty distinctive, don't you think?
Will do!
Update 4-13-2023
Reviving this thread for another season of Monomorium observations. The dual queen colony I founded last spring made it through diapause and are really doing great now. Their test tube is basically entirely full of workers and a massive pile of brood. I will need to dump them into a new nest very soon. I'm still kicking around ideas for how to do this in a fully escape proof way.
I will officially be naming the two queens Gudrid and Sigrid after famous Viking warrior women. Which one is which is anybody guess, though!
Good photos of these are hard to get now since the entire tube is filled to bursting with tiny ants.
Update 4-13-2023
Reviving this thread for another season of Monomorium observations. The dual queen colony I founded last spring made it through diapause and are really doing great now. Their test tube is basically entirely full of workers and a massive pile of brood. I will need to dump them into a new nest very soon. I'm still kicking around ideas for how to do this in a fully escape proof way.
I will officially be naming the two queens Gudrid and Sigrid after famous Viking warrior women. Which one is which is anybody guess, though!
Good photos of these are hard to get now since the entire tube is filled to bursting with tiny ants.
Update 5-27-2023
My dual queen colony just keeps growing and growing. Luckily they haven't flooded their tube yet, but I'll need to get them out of it soon since they keep tunneling into the wet cotton. Monomorium aren't the brightest of ants, apparently. They do enjoy their mealworms, though!
Edited by Virginian_ants, July 31 2023 - 12:49 PM.
Currently keeping
-T. immigrans
-B. patagonicus
-N. cockerelli
I will want to also keep some other lasius types in the future.
You should also subscribe to my youtube channel!
all I know about monomorium minimum is that they are tiny, polygnous, and fast ants. Another thing I know about them is that they are raiding my room because of a small crumb I left on the floor
Before I owned a colony of these guys, some ergatogyna broke into my room and wiped out my tetra colony.
And many Carnivorous plants such as: Dionea muscipula (fly trap), Sarracenia x 'Fiona' ( American Pitcher plant), Nepenthese ventrata (Tropical Pitcher plant), and Pinguicula agnata x emarginata (Butterwort) (show off your plants here)
Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores it's provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest. Proverbs 6: 6-8
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