Requesting help in identifying ants. I am mom to 12 year old son who loves ants. We bought a queen with some brood/workers (?) a couple of months ago. We were told it was the type Formica. I went to the forum with sheets on types of ants to hopefully gather more information on exactly what they like to eat, and if they need to hibernate (it was suggested to us that the type we purchased might not require hibernation). There were multiple types of Formica Ant care sheets and I'm not sure which to look at, or if the original ID was correct.
I want my son to be successful at this and do what's right for the ants, any help is appreciated. I don't know where they were collected and I don't have any measurements. I have attached 3 pictures and I hope they help. The third picture is in 3/8" tubing so maybe that helps approximate the size of the queen.
I apologize for not having any of the other details the pinned post requested. We are in early days of ants.
Thank you,