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Has anyone ever used sugar maple sap straight from the tree for there ants.

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#1 Offline AntJohnny - Posted December 3 2018 - 1:58 PM


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I have a big sugar maple tree in my front yard. Yesterday I tapped it and got about a half gallon of sap. I boiled some of it for about a half hour. Not enough to turn it in syrup but thicker then water. Since it is basically sugar water or watered down maple syrup, would it be OK for my ants. As a natural sugar source.

#2 Offline ANTdrew - Posted December 3 2018 - 2:01 PM


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Go for it! I think they’ll love it. What a great tree to have in your yard!
"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
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#3 Offline Kalidas - Posted December 3 2018 - 2:37 PM


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Wow! I am envious for sure. I bet the ants would love it

#4 Offline Canadian anter - Posted December 3 2018 - 3:30 PM

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I'm Canadian hence my username, and for the first year of my antkeeping they are exclusively Maple Syrup, but it's not as enjoyed as sugar water or gatorade (more than honey though)
Visit us at www.canada-ant-colony.com !

#5 Offline AntJohnny - Posted December 3 2018 - 4:08 PM


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OK thank you for the replies. Once my ants r out of hibernation I will be sure to give them some. Come January when it gets warmer I'll put another tap in the tree. And if any one would like to try some for there ants I will send some. I can either send it how it is coming out of the tree, or boil some of the water out to make it sweeter. I'm sure I'll get more out of the tree then what I will need.

#6 Offline Serafine - Posted December 3 2018 - 4:41 PM


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I don't have a maple tree but my Camponotus barbaricus drink basically only diluted maple syrup and nothing else. Usually I use 20-30% maple syrup and the rest water (they don't like thick pure syrup) so if your raw syrup is more liquid that's probably perfect.

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