So I collected a small colony of Pheidole navigans on Tuesday, but all of the workers ended up dying due to them running out of moisture and me not noticing in time. The queen is alive and well, and I gave her some water so she would be okay, and she immediately started to drink it. She has brood, but I'm not sure if it's alive or not. I also have a much larger Pheidole navigans colony that I collected last night with workers numbering in the hundreds. I'm wondering if I should give her some brood from that colony so that while her next set of workers develop, she can have some workers to tend to her. I am not going to try and merge he two colonies together as I hear they are monogynous, with he dominant queen killing the others before the brood even hatches. Should I boost her or should I just wait and see if her brood is alive?
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