I was just placing my two successful first colonies of the summer into hibernation when I came across the test tube for a Camponotus queen I caught back in May... She never, ever, ever laid any eggs, and her water is just about to run dry. I've given her honey a few times over the summer, which she seems to have eaten, but she hasn't ever eaten so much at once that she filled her gaster/social stomach. I'm kind of surprised that she's still alive, tbh. I would have died of boredom.
I can move her to a new test tube, and try to offer her honey, and hope she survives the winter...
But, even if she does, what should I do with her? Should I give her some kind of "display" setup... just because? (She's clearly rocking the #singlelife amirite?)
What kind of environmental enrichment would a single queen even want?