Can’t be Coptotermes, forgot to mention but in Termitidae both wingscales are roughly even in size (whcih the alates clearly have), if this were Coptotermes the front wingscale would slightly overlap the hind.
Oh, okay. The only thing I remember about Coptotermes is the coloration 
Hawaiiant (Ben)
Keeper of
Miniature Labradoodle
Baby Wolf Spider
Mud Dauber wasp larvae
Ochetellus Glaber
Solenopsis Geminata
Brachymyrmex Obscurior
Cardiocondyla Emeryi
Tetramorium Bicarinatum
Plagiolepis Alluaudi
Anoplolepis Gracilipes
Technomyrmex Difficilis
Pheidole Megacephala
Aholehole fish
Cowrie snail
Sea Fan Worm
100+ sea squirts
Tree seedlings
Ghost Crab
Day Gecko
Small Fat Centipede
Endemic Lacewing larva
Vernal Pool shrimps