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Shipping ants from EU to Canada - legal or not?

shipping law border permit canada

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#1 Offline skocko76 - Posted October 31 2018 - 12:42 AM


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Hi all.

I understand US has strict State (and Federal) laws about moving ants over borders.

Generally, Canada is understood to be in the same boat.

But is it really? I read some posts that people ordered ants from European ant shops without issues. I am guessing those ants did not have any special import permits.

Does anyone have any experience, or knows about Canada's stance on moving ants over borders?




Edited by skocko76, October 31 2018 - 12:44 AM.

#2 Offline Martialis - Posted October 31 2018 - 4:00 AM


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Without issue does not mean it wasn't illegal.


It just means they weren't caught.


Don't risk it.


Don't. Import. Ants.


#3 Offline skocko76 - Posted October 31 2018 - 5:54 AM


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Got it. And it makes sense.
But, do we know for a fact that Canada prohibits ant import by law?

#4 Offline Miles - Posted October 31 2018 - 7:49 AM


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International import of ants and other insects requires a permit from Canada's equivalent to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.


Here is a link to their page: http://www.inspectio...6/1432586423037

#5 Offline Kalidas - Posted October 31 2018 - 8:36 AM


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And the bigger problem (in my opinion) is about the effects of shipping ants across country borders.

Honestly legality isn't the best indicator that something is "good" or "bad"(plenty of things are illegal and yet not really all that harmful, yet plenty of harmful activities are perfectly legal).

So even if it IS legal the harmful affects of shipping ants across country is something that should really deter you. Things like possible invasive species, possible harm to the ants,etc...

Just my two cents.

#6 Offline skocko76 - Posted October 31 2018 - 11:33 AM


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Thank you all for your answers.
And yes, I wouldn't consider importing invasive species, or any species that had a chance of surviving Canadian climate, even if it were legal. I had Messors in mind, which are not present in Europe norther than Mediterranean basin. My reasoning being that even if they were to escape and procreate, they would perish in the winter. Now that I know for a fact it is prohibited, it is out of the question.

#7 Offline anttics - Posted November 1 2018 - 6:41 AM


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If you do get ants from EU. Make sure its a species. That needs heat, and would die. In days outside. I suggest not to bring any, but if you do. Make sure it won't be able to survive if it scapes. Ex a tropical species. Which will probably die I'm Canada anyways. Its an uunessesary risk. If you ask me. Not worth it.

#8 Offline rbarreto - Posted November 1 2018 - 7:21 AM


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Although I agree that the importing of tropical ant species poses little to no risk in Canada it is still illegal. The only ant we can import without a permit is Pogonomyrmex occidentalis from the US.

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