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49 replies to this topic

#21 Offline Foogoo - Posted August 12 2015 - 7:39 AM


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There's something about the layout of this site that's so much more comfortable and neat to use, it's minimalistic yet full featured. I don't know if it's the particular software or just how it's setup. I briefly visited another, newer forum and it's just an eyesore. Maybe it's the color scheme but also the layout, or maybe I'm getting old and the font is too small. But it just seems cluttered. I haven't been back. Hopefully I'm not the only one that notices this about formiculture!

  • dspdrew, nurbs, Gregory2455 and 6 others like this

Camponotus vicinus, Crematogaster 1, Crematogaster 2, Formica francoeuri, *, *, Myrmecocystus testaceus, Novomessor cockerelli, Pheidole hyatti, Pogonomyrmex californicus, Pogonomyrmex rugosus, Solenopsis invicta

#22 Offline Tyrone - Posted August 12 2015 - 8:50 AM



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You rock, formiculture!!!!!

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#23 Offline Gregory2455 - Posted August 12 2015 - 4:25 PM


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There's something about the layout of this site that's so much more comfortable and neat to use, it's minimalistic yet full featured. I don't know if it's the particular software or just how it's setup. I briefly visited another, newer forum and it's just an eyesore. Maybe it's the color scheme but also the layout, or maybe I'm getting old and the font is too small. But it just seems cluttered. I haven't been back. Hopefully I'm not the only one that notices this about formiculture!

Also the fact that Formiculture is owned by a hobbyist, not a company trying to sell you its product. I love the neutral and unbiased atmosphere on this forum.

  • dspdrew, Crystals, William. T and 2 others like this

#24 Offline William. T - Posted August 12 2015 - 5:31 PM

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There's something about the layout of this site that's so much more comfortable and neat to use, it's minimalistic yet full featured. I don't know if it's the particular software or just how it's setup. I briefly visited another, newer forum and it's just an eyesore. Maybe it's the color scheme but also the layout, or maybe I'm getting old and the font is too small. But it just seems cluttered. I haven't been back. Hopefully I'm not the only one that notices this about formiculture!

Also the fact that Formiculture is owned by a hobbyist, not a company trying to sell you its product. I love the neutral and unbiased atmosphere on this forum.


Totally agree with you. It's fresh to see no ads. I bet this is the only forum on the web dedicated to pets that's ad free and not with any company. Of course, all this hard work and money taken to set up this forum is donated by Drew, and the other admin. We need to respect that.

  • dspdrew and Jonathan21700 like this

Species I keep:


1 Lasius cf. Neoniger 30 workers

1 Camponotus sp. 15 workers

20 Tetramorium SpE 30 workers

1 T. Sessile 200 workers


#25 Offline drtrmiller - Posted August 12 2015 - 7:24 PM



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I briefly visited another, newer forum and it's just an eyesore. Maybe it's the color scheme but also the layout, or maybe I'm getting old and the font is too small. But it just seems cluttered. I haven't been back.


Given that money can buy slick software and smart people to run it, maybe don't draw too much attention to these facts when you're referring to a certain someone with deep pockets.

  • Gregory2455, William. T and LC3 like this

byFormica® is the manufacturer of the iconic nectar feeders and Sunburst Ant Nectar.
byFormica ant products always deliver consistent performance, convenience,
and reliability, making them among the most beloved ant foods and kit enjoyed by
ant keeping enthusiasts worldwide. For more information, visit www.byFormica.com.

#26 Offline Vendayn - Posted August 12 2015 - 11:15 PM


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This site's layout is sorta similar to Antdude's (at least it reminds me of it just a bit in that its nice and easy to find everything), but I like it a lot more. And I'm here cause everyone I knew on Antdude's forum pretty much went here lol. To be honest, I'd have gone wherever the majority went or where the people I talked to the most went to. Its like if facebook died and all my friends/family left, I'd just go to wherever everyone was using. Not so much to be "in" or "cool", just cause I'm not interested in being part of a dead forum where no one I know is there to talk to lol. That and I want to go where my friends/family go.


Its why when something gets popular, it tends to have a snowball effect :) Look at World of Warcraft when it peaked, pretty much "every" (not so literally) gamer was playing that so kept getting more and more popular as peoples friends were playing it and they wanted in too. Its still popular, but not as much as it used to be. Same thing with facebook. Though that was also partly cause myspace had other issues.

#27 Offline William. T - Posted August 13 2015 - 4:33 AM

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Yuku does seem declining. The posts are old, and everyone seems like leaving Yuku, no? For sure, it is declining, and I wonder what will be the next English ant keeping forum superpower.........

Species I keep:


1 Lasius cf. Neoniger 30 workers

1 Camponotus sp. 15 workers

20 Tetramorium SpE 30 workers

1 T. Sessile 200 workers


#28 Offline Foogoo - Posted August 13 2015 - 6:41 AM


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Also the fact that Formiculture is owned by a hobbyist, not a company trying to sell you its product. I love the neutral and unbiased atmosphere on this forum.


Totally agree with you. It's fresh to see no ads. I bet this is the only forum on the web dedicated to pets that's ad free and not with any company. Of course, all this hard work and money taken to set up this forum is donated by Drew, and the other admin. We need to respect that.


Definitely. Though unobtrusive banner ads aren't too bad and I understand running sites isn't free. Though ads bring in the question of bias and potential conflict too (what if there's an ad for Foogoo's Amazing Man Bra here and a thread trashing it? If Drew comes to my Man Bra's defense, is he defending the product or the revenue stream?). If it comes to it, I think a membership plan would work, something that gives members added benefits without discouraging newbies from joining. I've seen members being allowed avatars and Marketplace selling as common incentives.



I briefly visited another, newer forum and it's just an eyesore. Maybe it's the color scheme but also the layout, or maybe I'm getting old and the font is too small. But it just seems cluttered. I haven't been back.


Given that money can buy slick software and smart people to run it, maybe don't draw too much attention to these facts when you're referring to a certain someone with deep pockets.


True, but there's still the basic fact of hobbyist vs. vendor run. I'm also referring generally to some other less popular boards I've visited, similar issues that bug me.


This site's layout is sorta similar to Antdude's (at least it reminds me of it just a bit in that its nice and easy to find everything), but I like it a lot more. And I'm here cause everyone I knew on Antdude's forum pretty much went here lol. To be honest, I'd have gone wherever the majority went or where the people I talked to the most went to. Its like if facebook died and all my friends/family left, I'd just go to wherever everyone was using. Not so much to be "in" or "cool", just cause I'm not interested in being part of a dead forum where no one I know is there to talk to lol. That and I want to go where my friends/family go.


Its why when something gets popular, it tends to have a snowball effect :) Look at World of Warcraft when it peaked, pretty much "every" (not so literally) gamer was playing that so kept getting more and more popular as peoples friends were playing it and they wanted in too. Its still popular, but not as much as it used to be. Same thing with facebook. Though that was also partly cause myspace had other issues.

I actually despise the Yuku board - not standalone and disorganized. But that's just my opinion.  :rolleyes: (Did I forget a comma somewhere?)

  • William. T, Martialis and SirAnticus like this

Camponotus vicinus, Crematogaster 1, Crematogaster 2, Formica francoeuri, *, *, Myrmecocystus testaceus, Novomessor cockerelli, Pheidole hyatti, Pogonomyrmex californicus, Pogonomyrmex rugosus, Solenopsis invicta

#29 Offline Roachant - Posted August 13 2015 - 8:15 AM


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I enjoy this forum over the others mainly because of the clean layout and I really enjoy the people who frequent here.
  • dermy, Gregory2455, William. T and 1 other like this

#30 Offline William. T - Posted August 16 2015 - 4:46 PM

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I enjoy this forum over the others mainly because of the clean layout and I really enjoy the people who frequent here.

Me too. What I also is that is an uncrowded forum. While I like growth to the hobby, this forum has enough people to answer any question, while there are not many topics, so any question that comes up is not ignored. I like that. Also, everyone here knows each other well enough toarrange anting trips. It's a really nice atmosphere.

  • Jonathan21700 and Tyrone like this

Species I keep:


1 Lasius cf. Neoniger 30 workers

1 Camponotus sp. 15 workers

20 Tetramorium SpE 30 workers

1 T. Sessile 200 workers


#31 Offline NightsWebs - Posted September 1 2015 - 7:51 AM


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I hate this place and can't imagine why Drew kills himself to run it! Hey we needed one bad guy!  Just kidding Drew does a great job and I have learned bunches from everyone and just wanted to thank everyone on this Forum.

Current Colonies;

Acromyrmex Versicolor

Dorymyrmex Bicolor

Pogonomyrmex Californicus
Pogonomyrmex Rugosus

Pogonomyrmex Tenuispinus
Novomessor Cockerelli
Myrmecocystus Mexicanus


Last Update: 08 Jul 2016



#32 Offline dspdrew - Posted March 9 2017 - 12:52 PM

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Here's the latest chart I created.



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#33 Offline Serafine - Posted March 9 2017 - 1:06 PM


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Would be helpful if the vertical axis had a note telling us what it actually counts.

We should respect all forms of consciousness. The body is just a vessel, a mere hull.

Welcome to Lazy Tube - My Camponotus Journal

#34 Offline Loops117 - Posted March 9 2017 - 1:11 PM


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Would be helpful if the vertical axis had a note telling us what it actually counts.

Looks like daily visits.


Edit: or page loads

Edited by Loops117, March 9 2017 - 1:11 PM.

#35 Offline dspdrew - Posted March 9 2017 - 1:46 PM

  • LocationSanta Ana, CA

Would be helpful if the vertical axis had a note telling us what it actually counts.


It's traffic. Unique visits.

#36 Offline Alabama Anter - Posted March 9 2017 - 1:53 PM

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Wow. I appreciate what you have created Drew.


#37 Offline FSTP - Posted March 9 2017 - 3:14 PM


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this is great.

#38 Offline T.C. - Posted August 24 2017 - 11:46 AM


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Congrats on 2000+ members.
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#39 Offline AntsMaryland - Posted August 24 2017 - 12:23 PM


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I can draw. But I don't exactly know a good logo for it.... :(

Aphaenogaster cf. rudis 

Tetramorium immigrans 

Tapinoma sessile

Formica subsericea

Pheidole sp.

Camponotus nearcticus

#40 Offline nurbs - Posted August 24 2017 - 3:36 PM


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I remember when Drew first started this. He would message during off season and be like "there's no traffic!"


Was like, "be patient!" 


Formiculture, best ant forum on The Internetz.

  • T.C. likes this

California Ants for Sale


Unidentified Myrmecocystus



Undescribed "Modoc"



Camponotus or Colobopsis yogi:


Camponotus us-ca02


Unidentified Formica


Pencil Case and Test Tube Formicariums
Bloodworm Soup

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