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How do I delete my account here

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31 replies to this topic

#21 Offline Joehostile85 - Posted October 23 2018 - 7:06 AM


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He’s got a point though. 19 reply’s and not one person informed him to delete his profile. And in fact someone was so unhelpful that they banned his account and now he will never be able to delete it. Hahahah

Edited by Joehostile85, October 23 2018 - 7:07 AM.

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#22 Offline DaveJay - Posted October 23 2018 - 7:47 AM


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I do know how frustrating it can be to not get a reply when you're hyped up on a new hobby and desperately want feedback before continuing to set things up or buying equipment etc, especially when it seems like the "in crowd" are happily answering each others questions and chatting away happily while ignoring your pleas for help. Mostly it's your own perception but there are many cases where a someone joins a forum, asks a question, gets no answers more helpful than "do your own research" or similar and then leaves a forum or group, often bad mouthing the forum on another forum or group where they do get helpful information. I feel it's up to admin or members with pride in the forum to make sure this doesn't happen to new members, even a friendly reply from someone who can't actually answer the question can go a long way towards making people feel comfortable I think, a forum should be a friendly place to "visit". (No complaints from me btw, I've enjoyed this forum from day one. :) )


I know it was pointed out that this was not the case with this member, but it did seem that way at the start of the thread so the thoughts above have been lingering in my head for a few days now, I wanted to get them down.

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#23 Offline nurbs - Posted October 23 2018 - 1:20 PM


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There's more to the story than this thread. Drew immediately banned him because he got onto the chat channel and threatened to "spam the [censored] out of this site until my account is deleted".



He’s got a point though. 19 reply’s and not one person informed him to delete his profile. And in fact someone was so unhelpful that they banned his account and now he will never be able to delete it. Hahahah

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California Ants for Sale


Unidentified Myrmecocystus



Undescribed "Modoc"



Camponotus or Colobopsis yogi:


Camponotus us-ca02


Unidentified Formica


Pencil Case and Test Tube Formicariums
Bloodworm Soup

#24 Offline Kalidas - Posted October 23 2018 - 1:46 PM


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There's more to the story than this thread. Drew immediately banned him because he got onto the chat channel and threatened to "spam the [censored] out of this site until my account is deleted".

He’s got a point though. 19 reply’s and not one person informed him to delete his profile. And in fact someone was so unhelpful that they banned his account and now he will never be able to delete it. Hahahah

Oh dang... Good reason to ban him for sure
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#25 Offline Jadeninja9 - Posted October 23 2018 - 7:30 PM


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Wish I had popcorn while reading this
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#26 Offline Kaelwizard - Posted October 27 2018 - 8:33 AM


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I am almost 13 and I never reacted like this. I have had an even worse experience than him as all my queens escaped or died. Even my probably fertile Crematogaster queen had to be put out of her misery because she was dying. This kid was a liar and a complete a**hole and if I saw him I would punch him right in the face. If he ever got ants they would kill themselves the moment they saw him.

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#27 Offline TheCrazyAntLady - Posted October 29 2018 - 5:58 PM



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I know i haven't been on here for a while but, even I, a 13 year old, would NEVER act like this, not even behind a screen! 

We need more people like you, man.

#28 Offline Leo - Posted October 29 2018 - 9:56 PM


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Aw dang it drew! You should have left him be! I need some amusement every once in a while, this guys seems to have the right stuff for a meme. Also since when was there a "myformica" company?

#29 Offline DaveJay - Posted October 30 2018 - 3:42 AM


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Aw dang it drew! You should have left him be! I need some amusement every once in a while, this guys seems to have the right stuff for a meme. Also since when was there a "myformica" company?

It made me think, troll attack targeting Doc Miller? It's certainly commonplace enough on FB.

Edit - it occurred to me that this could be interpreted in the wrong way. I was referring to targeted troll attacks in Facebook groups in general being common, not that attacks on Dr Miller are common.

Edited by DaveJay, October 30 2018 - 10:27 PM.

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#30 Offline FSTP - Posted October 30 2018 - 8:28 AM


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My #one anting policy... Stay away from anting Facebook pages.

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#31 Offline Major - Posted November 4 2018 - 5:40 AM


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Had to log in just to respond to this!

He came to me via PM and asked for queens, I gave info, prices, etc... I had a busy week so I couldn't respond immediately, it still only took me 1-2 days. He then started spamming my email, which after that I'm tempted to remove from my sales thread. I got an angry PM from him saying he felt ignored. "Guess your not going to reply oh well. How do i delete my account here its obvious i wasted my time buying a formicarium and joining here" This was after barely 2 days! This guys obviously not a 30 year old guy, just some 10 year old who doesn't get enough homework to keep him busy! I speak on behalf of all of our younger members, none of us act this way, so their shouldn't be any leniency towards anyone who makes immature actions like this.

There's no way this kid would have patience for ants. Thank god he's been banned, he won't poison the forum anymore...
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#32 Offline Mettcollsuss - Posted November 4 2018 - 9:11 AM


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 This guys obviously not a 30 year old guy, just some 10 year old who doesn't get enough homework to keep him busy! I speak on behalf of all of our younger members, none of us act this way, so their shouldn't be any leniency towards anyone who makes immature actions like this.

I agree. There's a kid similar to this one that I'm currently dealing with. He never bothers with proper grammar or full sentences. I sold to him in the past, and he mentioned something about trying to catch a fire ant queen from the south and bring it back. Ever since that deal, he's been constantly messaging me asking questions about ants. From what I've seen, he either doesn't do his research or doesn't care; he had a 10 worker Camponotus (=myrmentoma) colony in a really large AA acrylic Nest that was like 10x too big for them. He then messaged me about the winter ants I had up for sale and. I told him that they were extremely hard to keep alive past year 2 horrible beginner species, but he decided to get them anyway. While arranging a time to meet, I mentioned twice (once just then and once the day before) that I could only do the morning. He then replied really sarcastically for not telling him earlier because it takes him a while to get out to our meeting spot. 


Sorry for ranting a bit, but kids like these really annoy me, and it seemed related to this thread.

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