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31 replies to this topic

#1 Offline Thedarknght - Posted October 20 2018 - 7:38 PM



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Well been a couple weeks no one seems to actually help someone starting out . And the two people who actually have queens in ny won't reply to messages so i obviously wasted time joing this group and wasted money on formicarium and all my supplies

#2 Offline Nare - Posted October 20 2018 - 7:40 PM


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It's late in the year to find a queen. I started at the same time. It's always a bit irritating to wait through your first winter until spring, but if you've got test tubes, you can get *Camponotus* queens going as early as May or June. There's no reason to quit - just because others won't trade with you doesn't mean you can't start your own colony. Antkeeping requires a ton of patience - just wait and the queens will come to you (In theory).

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#3 Offline Zeiss - Posted October 20 2018 - 7:43 PM


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Waiting a couple weeks then deciding to get upset because nobody is around you to give you queens is a bit hasty.  If you are like this with caring for your colonies (when or if you get them) you will end up killing them!  If you're willing to wait through the winter and for next ant season to start, I'm sure you'll get more help, but for now, this is the end of the year and nothing will usually be flying or even around.  Some people have already started hibernating their ants.  

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#4 Offline drtrmiller - Posted October 20 2018 - 8:27 PM



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11 days ago, you joined the forum and asked whether people here recommended AntsCanada products.  Lots of people replied to your thread, and 9 days later on October 18, you said you bought $128 worth of them, against the advice you had received from many in the thread.


The next day, October 19, you posted a Want To Buy advertisement.


The day after that, October 20, you create this garbage topic complaining that nobody here is helping you and so you want to delete your (free) account?


Are you mental?  Probably the fastest way for you to delete your account is to smash your computer with a hammer.

Edited by drtrmiller, October 20 2018 - 9:07 PM.

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#5 Offline Patp3 - Posted October 20 2018 - 9:18 PM



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11 days ago, you joined the forum and asked whether people here recommended AntsCanada products.  Lots of people replied to your thread, and 9 days later on October 18, you said you bought $128 worth of them, against the advice you had received from many in the thread.
The next day, October 19, you posted a Want To Buy advertisement.
The day after that, October 20, you create this garbage topic complaining that nobody here is helping you and so you want to delete your (free) account?
Are you mental?  Probably the fastest way for you to delete your account is to smash your computer with a hammer.

Loved this!

I'd say be patient, I'm new too and know the excitement that comes from wanting to get your first queen! Just give it time, let the excitement overwhelm you so that when you do get a queen you'll appreciate it all the more. Best of luck!
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#6 Offline drtrmiller - Posted October 20 2018 - 9:49 PM



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11 days ago, you joined the forum and asked whether people here recommended AntsCanada products.  Lots of people replied to your thread, and 9 days later on October 18, you said you bought $128 worth of them, against the advice you had received from many in the thread.
The next day, October 19, you posted a Want To Buy advertisement.
The day after that, October 20, you create this garbage topic complaining that nobody here is helping you and so you want to delete your (free) account?
Are you mental?  Probably the fastest way for you to delete your account is to smash your computer with a hammer.

Loved this!

I'd say be patient, I'm new too and know the excitement that comes from wanting to get your first queen! Just give it time, let the excitement overwhelm you so that when you do get a queen you'll appreciate it all the more. Best of luck!



This community is positively filled with newcomers.  Every day, new people join, and experienced members have created thousands of informative topics, answering new users' questions both in chat and forum posts.


While I hate to be negative, this type of public outburst—blaming our members as providing inadequate help—is completely juvenile behavior, especially given the only thing the guy has asked about publicly is what products to spend money on?


Despite our members answering all his questions, he chose to ignore the advice, and then had the audacity to complain about the decision he made to buy the products, while also managing to bewail the fact that none of our members had helped him obtain an ant colony literally 1 day after beginning his search to buy one at the tail end of ant season. 



Over the years, we have seen a handful of members rage quit after bizarre episodes like this.  So I'm sure this one will not be the last.

Edited by drtrmiller, October 20 2018 - 9:51 PM.

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byFormica® is the manufacturer of the iconic nectar feeders and Sunburst Ant Nectar.
byFormica ant products always deliver consistent performance, convenience,
and reliability, making them among the most beloved ant foods and kit enjoyed by
ant keeping enthusiasts worldwide. For more information, visit www.byFormica.com.

#7 Offline Antking117 - Posted October 20 2018 - 10:19 PM


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11 days ago, you joined the forum and asked whether people here recommended AntsCanada products.  Lots of people replied to your thread, and 9 days later on October 18, you said you bought $128 worth of them, against the advice you had received from many in the thread.
The next day, October 19, you posted a Want To Buy advertisement.
The day after that, October 20, you create this garbage topic complaining that nobody here is helping you and so you want to delete your (free) account?
Are you mental?  Probably the fastest way for you to delete your account is to smash your computer with a hammer.

Loved this!

I'd say be patient, I'm new too and know the excitement that comes from wanting to get your first queen! Just give it time, let the excitement overwhelm you so that when you do get a queen you'll appreciate it all the more. Best of luck!



This community is positively filled with newcomers.  Every day, new people join, and experienced members have created thousands of informative topics, answering new users' questions both in chat and forum posts.


While I hate to be negative, this type of public outburst—blaming our members as providing inadequate help—is completely juvenile behavior, especially given the only thing the guy has asked about publicly is what products to spend money on?


Despite our members answering all his questions, he chose to ignore the advice, and then had the audacity to complain about the decision he made to buy the products, while also managing to bewail the fact that none of our members had helped him obtain an ant colony literally 1 day after beginning his search to buy one at the tail end of ant season. 



Over the years, we have seen a handful of members rage quit after bizarre episodes like this.  So I'm sure this one will not be the last.


Not to mention he did not even need to make this post. All he had to do was just not get back on the site. He wanted to make a post and was hoping people would feel bad for him and beg for him to stay or something.

Edited by antking117, October 20 2018 - 10:20 PM.

#8 Offline Thedarknght - Posted October 20 2018 - 10:48 PM



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NO I WANT MY ACCOUNT DELETED AND don't SEE HOW TO DO IS U [censored] NUT. Your just making the bad reputation of myformica worse by your stupid and negative comments
This is being live fed directy to several related groups to see how you and your representation and why to not use. Your products

Edited by Thedarknght, October 20 2018 - 10:50 PM.

#9 Offline Serafine - Posted October 20 2018 - 10:49 PM


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Well been a couple weeks no one seems to actually help someone starting out . And the two people who actually have queens in ny won't reply to messages so i obviously wasted time joing this group and wasted money on formicarium and all my supplies

If you have THAT little patience antkeeping might not be the right hobby for you anyway.


Do you know how long it takes for an ant queen to get their FIRST workers?

A month if you have a small species, 2-3 months for the slower-growing species like many Carpenter or Acorn ant species. And you're supposed to NOT look at the queen for a whole month during the founding period because if she feels threatened she may decide to eat her brood and you have to start over from square one.


Also did you recently look outside your window or just on the calendar? It's basically the start of winter and during the cold time of the year ants will hibernate anyway, so even if you buy ants now they will just sit in their tube/nest doing nothing for the next 5 months.



How about you actually do some RESEARCH and find out WHICH ant you would prefer to keep because there are a lot of VERY different ants out there, even in you state.

The first ants in NY fly around February (Prenolepis imparis, aka the winter ants, but I'm not sure if they are for you as they tend to be very lazy and inactive during most of the year), the really big ones (Camponotus pennsyvanicus/novaeboracensis) start to fly around April.

More than enough time for you to make yourself smart in the field of ants, plan your setup and prepare to catch some.



p.s. Not everyone looks into their forums on a daily basis. The people you contacted may simply not have been online to check their PMs yet.

Edited by Serafine, October 20 2018 - 10:51 PM.

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We should respect all forms of consciousness. The body is just a vessel, a mere hull.

Welcome to Lazy Tube - My Camponotus Journal

#10 Offline Serafine - Posted October 20 2018 - 11:02 PM


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Thank you for your kind response, average internet troll kid.

0/10 for lousy effort, did you copy-paste that from your facebook group or your meme chat server? :moon:


NO I WANT MY ACCOUNT DELETED AND don't SEE HOW TO DO IS U [censored] NUT. Your just making the bad reputation of myformica worse by your stupid and negative comments
This is being live fed directy to several related groups to see how you and your representation and why to not use. Your products

Lol, I don't think anyone is trembling in fear if you fail even at the utmost basic task of correctly spelling the company's name. :D

Good thing nobody gave you ants, you're clearly not capable of caring for any sort of pet.

Have a nice day and don't let the door hit you on the way out. :bye: :passthebuck:

Edited by Serafine, October 20 2018 - 11:04 PM.

  • Antking117, Ant Broski, Mettcollsuss and 1 other like this

We should respect all forms of consciousness. The body is just a vessel, a mere hull.

Welcome to Lazy Tube - My Camponotus Journal

#11 Offline FSTP - Posted October 20 2018 - 11:11 PM


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I'm reporting your thread becasue I don't like it.

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#12 Offline T.C. - Posted October 21 2018 - 10:45 AM


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Man, I should have stayed off here another month. :lol:

Listen man, chill. I've lost hundreds of dollars expecting something i never got and had been way more calm than this. Your upset you haven't found anyone to sell you ants within a few days time frame. Like others said, its the end of the season, naturally it will be difficult finding a seller. And why did you report everyones posts? Do us all a favor and get some rest, then re-read over this topic. Then you'll see what a child you have been.
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#13 Offline T.C. - Posted October 21 2018 - 11:14 AM


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And its been pointed out he has been banned. I guess he won't have to worry about deleting his account.
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#14 Offline Antics - Posted October 21 2018 - 11:34 AM



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Normally I wouldn't respond to these kinds of threads but I figured as a new member I could weigh in on my experience.

I joined the forum about a week ago after adopting a colony from one of the members. I have to say, it was one of the most pleasant and painless transactions I've completed.

At first I was directed in this general direction through a specific Ant channel on YouTube. In fact I hadn't found the forum but rather found one of the members through the GAN project.

I had been reading about the specific requirements each species needed and crossed it with what I wanted. I wanted something manageable that I could also observe year-round, so I opted for a species that had smaller nests, fed mainly on sugars, and did not hibernate.

Then, based on the comments and reviews from multiple hobbyists online, I opted to purchase a custom formicarium with plans to construct my own. I put my trust in the more experienced ant-keepers and would purchase one of their set ups to start.

Now when it came to acquiring the colony, his provider's communication was prompt and concise, we met punctually and I was given the basic equipment as well as a lot of information.

I was informed that there was a community open to nurturing new hobbyists that could also provide a wealth of resources and information. So that's where we are now.

I am currently meeting with another forum member this very day to adopt a second colony. He's been great at communicating as well, and it hasn't taken more than 1 or 2 days to organize a transaction and coordinate a meeting.

I guess that experiences may differ. I am sorry that you didn't do your due diligence but I am not sorry for your reaction. To say the least, it is immature and I don't feel like it properly represents both yourself and the community.

I'm sure there are plenty of people willing to overlook your fit and still assist you in accomplishing the goals and interest you have in this field.
Whoops, guess he got hammered
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#15 Offline TheRealAntMan - Posted October 21 2018 - 6:18 PM


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Funny thing is this kid pretending to be an adult tried telling me he's been breeding geckos for 30 years. Breeding geckos for 30 years is a lot of time and patience which is something this kid didn't have. Not only did he actually try lying to me, but he (or she) would also assume/know the patience that comes with antkeeping. 


NO I WANT MY ACCOUNT DELETED AND don't SEE HOW TO DO IS U [censored] NUT. Your just making the bad reputation of myformica worse by your stupid and negative comments
This is being live fed directy to several related groups to see how you and your representation and why to not use. Your products

If there are people actually seeing this I'm pretty sure they'd more disappointed in the way you were speaking than they'd be in us...

Edited by TheRealAntMan, October 22 2018 - 7:14 AM.

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An ants' strength can be rivaled by few animals compared to their relative body size


#16 Offline DaveJay - Posted October 21 2018 - 11:11 PM


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I thought I'd logged on to Facebook by mistake!!!

#17 Offline Mettcollsuss - Posted October 22 2018 - 3:56 AM


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This whole thread is hilarious.

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#18 Offline Patp3 - Posted October 22 2018 - 10:12 AM



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Hey you know I feel sorry for the guy if he's had a bad experience on here, I believe that negative experience was his own creation but still.

So far my time here has been very pleasant, this is a great forum for gleaning knowledge from some fellow hobbyists and I also feel that the general atmosphere here is "yes get ants!" But as with any other animal husbandry there is also the "but make sure you learn some basics before you do" vibe.

Again sorry for him, I hope he finds a place that fits with what he was looking for. You're all great thank you for any and all of your contributions to the wealth of knowledge on this form, it has helped a fledgling ant keeper enormously!
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#19 Offline Will230145 - Posted October 22 2018 - 11:42 AM


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I know i haven't been on here for a while but, even I, a 13 year old, would NEVER act like this, not even behind a screen! 

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#20 Offline ctantkeeper - Posted October 23 2018 - 6:16 AM


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I also can't help but feel sorry for him. What could of been a fun and interesting learning experience for him was squandered due to his own lack of wanting to cooperate with the community. I know it can be frustrating when you first start keeping ants, but you have to hold in there. If there are two things antkeeping will teach you, it's discipline and patience. Trust me, I've been keeping ants for almost eight years now and I know what it's like to fail countless times with little progress. It's okay to make mistakes and learn from them, but it is not okay to throw a tantrum like this. Take a break, reavaluate whether or not antkeeping is for you, do TONS of research if the answer is yes and try to listen to what people have to say next time (keeping an open mind will probably do you some good.).

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