Update 7-28-2019
Disaster! I went on a four day trip up to the Shenandoah, and came back to find out my divas had figured out how to climb upside down on fluon. I freaked out and decided to reapply fluon on the lid. Something went wrong, though. Perhaps I didn’t let it dry long enough or didn’t apply it well, but they started just streaming up the sides of their box and several escaped. I made a crappy temp fix by sticking some mesh over the hole in their lid with some clay. The mesh must be trapping humidity, so now tons of them are climbing up all over the lid dying to explore the wide world! I have no money, but my brother ordered me an AC outworld (an act I’m eternally grateful for). I’m hoping the lid and professional design of this will help me contain these Houdinis. If not, my terrible luck will continue, and I’ll have to give up my beloved Divas.
Bottom line, this colony is getting huge. Somebody fed the gremlins after midnight.
Edited by ANTdrew, July 28 2019 - 5:47 PM.
"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.