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Hibernate a queen ant with eggs/larva?

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#1 Offline mollySF - Posted October 20 2018 - 9:46 AM



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I am a new ant keeper, and could use some advice.


1) I have an (as of yet) unidentified queen (perhaps Formica subaenescens or Lasius neoniger?).  She is an a test-tube set-up, and has what I think are some eggs and larva.  Right now I have the test-tube wrapped in a towel on top of a heat pad in my classroom.  I found her on August 29th, and she laid eggs the following week.


Do I hibernate her?  Do I keep her on the heat pad?  Do I wait for some workers to arrive?


When workers do arrive, does anyone have advice for a good home for them all?


Any advice would be very appreciated!



Ant Queen
Album: Queen with eggs and larva
2 images



#2 Offline ANTdrew - Posted October 20 2018 - 5:20 PM


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Where are you located? Seems to me that will help the knowledgable folks here ID your queen and answer your question about hibernation. My rookie guess us that she is not lasius neoniger.
"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

#3 Offline mollySF - Posted October 20 2018 - 5:37 PM



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I'm in San Francisco, CA.  I found the ant in the school garden where I teach.

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