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Queen Seperated From Workers For A Long Time

help camponotus pennsylvanicus queen care

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#1 Offline Luvnecrosis - Posted October 19 2018 - 9:05 AM



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Good morning, afternoon, or night,

Very early this year, my students from the place where I work caught me a Camponotus Pennsylvanians queen. Things were going pretty well, until a series of very unfortunate events happened and she lost her two workers and is now by herself.

It looks like she can’t feed the new eggs enough to hatch them, and she can’t eat anything either because she panics whenever I try to do anything.

The kids caught her from a lot behind a school, and they all said that their were more ants as well. I believe that these ants were from her own colony, and so my question is this: if I were to capture some ants from that same area, would they still be loyal to her? If so, I’ll have to try.

If not, is there a way to train another worker to be loyal? I’ve read somewhere that SOMETIME, Camponotus are kinda polygynous, although queens are on complete opposite sides of the same nest.

I have another colony that is doing alright with about 13 workers, and I have considered brood boosting but that evens dangerous.

Any ideas on what I should do to keep my kids’ queen safe and alive? I’m sure she’s hungry by now because it has been at least two months with no new workers.

#2 Offline YsTheAnt - Posted October 19 2018 - 2:10 PM


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They might. The best thing to do would be to give her some pupae from a wild colony, or cool some workers in the fridge and then try to introduce them to her one by one. Regular workers work a lot better than soldiers for this.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: help, camponotus, pennsylvanicus, queen care

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