I went anting today and I actually managed to catch some queens. I was able to get 5 Dorymeyrmex queens. I believe they are Dorymyrmex bicolor because all the mature Dorymyrmex colonies I saw at this location were Dorymyrmex bicolor. I also found one Pogonomyrmex queen. The Pogonomyrmex queen I found had with her what I think are her nanitics as these workers are really small and one seems to be newly eclosed. I also saw what I thought was a recently founded Pogonomyrmex queen but when I dug it up to my horror it was a fairly mature colony and they were not at all happy. Strange thing was there was just a little pile of dirt by the entrance and no workers were out and active so it looked like it was a newly founded queen. Well since I accidently disturbed this colony there was larvae and pupae strewn about so I collected some so I can give them to my newly collected queen and her workers. Another thing, I would have come home with two Pogonomyrmex queens however one that I dug up ran away and when I was trying to catch it I ran over it with my front wheels. So I feel pretty horrible about that.
Here are a couple of pictures.
I'm just going to found the Dorymyrmex in test tubes, but I still haven't decided what type of founding system I want to try with the Pogonomyrmex. Maybe just kep them in a test tube for now and then move them to a dirt shack like Drews a bit later.
Anyways It feels nice to have ants again.