Important Info (Read Me)
These are my current ant colonies I have up for sale, I am open to trades! PM me if you are interested, ask questions in this thread. I will ship, customer pays shipping, otherwise you must be able to drive to Moreno valley. I ship flat-rate USPS which is currently 8.45$ for most sales (price increases if it is a large order that won't fit in the small flat-rate box). You can also request special shipping such as express, or a different shipping service such as FedEx.
California residents only
View reviews all in one place in this imgur album
If paying through PayPal, select "pay a friend" (do not select "paying for a service").
For those who do not have an account here, or for those who would rather email me, send me an email at:
D-o-A policy: Full refund of dead ants upon receival of video evidence of deaths within 24 hours of arrival. Will not refund if package is left on porch for longer than 1 hour. You completely control the shipping process and I will send when you decide.
Camponotus vicinus
(10+ available)
Medium/Large, Slow Growing, Majors, Hibernates
-2 queens: 10$
(pic soon)
Myrmecocystus mexicanus
(2 available)
Medium/Large, Yellow, Repletes, No Hibernation, Largest Honeypots!
-1 queen, 5-15 workers, repletes, housed in mini hearth (brand new):$100 (pickup only) (Free Camponotus vicinus queen with purchase)

Camponotus semitestaceus
(8 available)
Medium/Large, Black/Orange/Red/Yellow, Majors, No Hibernation, Monogynous
-1 queen, brood: $10
Camponotus us-ca02
(available June)
Very Large, Black/orange, Majors, Hibernation, Polygynous
-1 queen, 1-10 workers: $70
-1 queen, brood: $30

Liometopum occidentale
(sold out)
Medium, Black/Orange/Silver, Make Huge Colonies, Fast Growth, Escape Artists, Great Climbers, Need Hibernation
Veromessor pergandei
(sold out)
Medium, Black, Eat Seeds, Polymorphic, No Hibernation
Formica francoeuri
(sold out)
Medium, Black/Dark Brown, Fast growing, Hibernates
Pogonomyrmex rugosus
(sold out)
Medium/Large, Black/Dark Red, Sting, Eat Seeds, No Hibernation
Camponotus clarithorax
(sold out)
Medium, Black/Brown/Orange, Slow Growing, Majors, Hibernates
Dorymyrmex insanus
(sold out)
Small, Black, No Hibernation
Dorymyrmex bicolor
(sold out)
Small, Black/Orange/Red, No Hibernation
Camponotus modoc
(sold out)
Large, Black, Hibernates, Majors, Slow Growing
Camponotus hyatti
(sold out)
Small, Black, Majors, Need Hibernation, monogynous
Pogonomyrmex californicus
(sold out)
Medium, Red, Stings, Fast, No Hibernation, Semi Claustral
Solenopsis xyloni
(sold out)
Small, Red/Black, Stings, Massive colonies, Fast Growing, Majors, No Hibernation
Camponotus fragilis
(sold out)
Medium/large, Yellow/Light Orange, Majors, No Hibernation
Myrmecocystus mimicus
(sold out)
Medium, "Purple Back" Variety, No Hibernation
Myrmecocystus navajo
(sold out)
Medium, Yellow, Repletes, No Hibernation
Camponotus quercicola
(sold out)
Very Large, Black, Majors, Need Hibernation
Camponotus sansabeanus
(sold out)
Large, Black/Orange, Majors, Need Hibernation
Camponotus maritimus
(sold out)
Medium/Large, Black, Majors, Need Hibernation
Camponotus anthrax
(sold out)
Medium Queen, Small Workers, Black, Majors, Need Hibernation
Myrmecocystus tenuinodus
(sold out)
Small/Medium, Black, No Hibernation
Pheidole spp.
(sold out)
Small, Red/Black/Orange/Yellow, Majors, Big Heads, No Hibernation
Crematogaster spp.
(sold out)
Small/Medium/Large, Black/Red, Heart Shaped Gasters, No Hibernation, Monogynous, Several Species
Dm me if you catch anything. I’m interested in the ants in your area.
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