Picked up the sheet of acrylic today from Lowes, stuff is surprisingly cheap. 18"x24"x.080" sheet was only $11.00, which gives me enough for 16 4"x8.5" covers.

I decided to cut the sheet to the 4" side first. I used a hacksaw with a metal-cutting blade to cut it, the saw I used for the brick was too coarsely toothed. The sheet is wide enough to cut out 2 covers, but I only need 1 for now so that's all I'll do.

After I cut the cover out of the sheet, I noticed the edges where I cut were not very smooth. I used some 120-grit sandpaper to smooth them out and get rid of the little bit and pieces left from me cutting. For those of you who don't know, acrylic sheets come with a protective plastic film on both sides that you peel off when you are done cutting the sheet to size, that's what that triangle is in the corner, not a scratch. I haven't peeled it off yet, as there is still one more step for the cover before I put it on the nest

Next thing to do is to mark and drill the holes you'll use to hydrate the nest. I used a 3/32" drill bit for the holes which is just big enough for my syringe tip to fit through.

And here she is, all done and pretty! Come spring, I will definitely be moving my Camponotus pennsylvanicus. in here, as they are living in a large Omni nest right now and just don't need that much room. In another week or two, I'm probably going to start a new thread following the next formicarium I make. Just to tease you guys and gals a bit, it'll be a vertical 2-sided nest.