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Forum Rules
1. Formiculture.com reserves the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason.
2. Only one personal account is allowed per user. An extra account used for a business or organization is okay.
3. No posting any messages that are obscene, indecent, profane, vulgar, sexually oriented, or violate any US laws.
4. No posting any spam messages, including posting of messages that add little to no value to the topic of conversation.
5. No harassing or doxing other members/users of Formiculture.com, either through private messages or through email addresses given in confidence by other Formiculture.com users.
6. No posting any deliberately false or misleading information.
7. Post in legible, coherent English, without excessive use of emoticons, slang, chat acronyms, or instant messenger shorthand. (Does not apply in the chat.)
8. Members must accurately represent their location in their Member Profile to participate in offers to buy, sell, trade, or otherwise distribute living ants of any caste or life stage. For members located in the United States, offers of live ants are only permitted between members who reside in the same U.S. state. Cross-border offers are not permitted between any members (participating members must reside in the same country or trading zone).
“Offer” is defined as any advertisement, thread, post, chat message, private message, or other transmission that occurs on Formiculture.com, including links to third-party sites or messaging systems where offers may potentially occur, with the intent of buying, selling, trading, or otherwise distributing ants from one place to another.
9. Any attempt to find or exploit a bug in the site code, "hack", or commission any sort of attack on the website, will result in a permanent ban.
10. Any posting of content, whether public or private, that violates US laws, may result in a permanent ban.
2. Only one personal account is allowed per user. An extra account used for a business or organization is okay.
3. No posting any messages that are obscene, indecent, profane, vulgar, sexually oriented, or violate any US laws.
4. No posting any spam messages, including posting of messages that add little to no value to the topic of conversation.
5. No harassing or doxing other members/users of Formiculture.com, either through private messages or through email addresses given in confidence by other Formiculture.com users.
6. No posting any deliberately false or misleading information.
7. Post in legible, coherent English, without excessive use of emoticons, slang, chat acronyms, or instant messenger shorthand. (Does not apply in the chat.)
8. Members must accurately represent their location in their Member Profile to participate in offers to buy, sell, trade, or otherwise distribute living ants of any caste or life stage. For members located in the United States, offers of live ants are only permitted between members who reside in the same U.S. state. Cross-border offers are not permitted between any members (participating members must reside in the same country or trading zone).
“Offer” is defined as any advertisement, thread, post, chat message, private message, or other transmission that occurs on Formiculture.com, including links to third-party sites or messaging systems where offers may potentially occur, with the intent of buying, selling, trading, or otherwise distributing ants from one place to another.
9. Any attempt to find or exploit a bug in the site code, "hack", or commission any sort of attack on the website, will result in a permanent ban.
10. Any posting of content, whether public or private, that violates US laws, may result in a permanent ban.