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To. Möbius - Mark14 'Eternal hug'

tapinoma melanocephalum

To. Möbius - Mark14 'Eternal hug'

59.8*46.7*86cm / mixed media / Tapinoma melanocephalum

To. Möbius - Mark 14 'Eternal Hug' is made of approximately 13,000 pieces that have been destroyed by my work so far.

I've been suffering from severe depression and panic disorder since the end of last year. Of course, I thought about killing myself. But is my life really meaningless and meaningless? This work inspired me when I thought, "Is this a life worth living in this world?" in my head. It is said that there are about 13,000 people who die alone in Korea each year. The number of pieces I mentioned above wanted to express this.

I wanted to tell everyone who's going to see my work, "You're not useless," so I introduced this work. Even now, there will be people who will suffer from their own situation and think about giving up their lives.

But I'm watching To. Möbius - Mark14's Eternal Hug, which is reborn with materials deemed unnecessary and about to be discarded, can be reviewed at any time and especially anything I would like to say.

The production process is available on YouTube