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I just moved my colony into the hybrid nest 2.0. Looks just like that. Waaaay better than the older hybrids. I'm much happier with the new one. I have big camponotus majors but what I thought was a supermajor might not be. I lifted a rail tie yesterday and there were some HUGE Super-majors in the wild colony. I mean huge. They put my ants to shame. I've added more colony stressors and they ants seem slightly bigger but not near as big as the guys I saw in the wild. Are the other formicaria from THA?
I just moved my colony into the hybrid nest 2.0. Looks just like that. Waaaay better than the older hybrids. I'm much happier with the new one. I have big camponotus majors but what I thought was a supermajor might not be. I lifted a rail tie yesterday and there were some HUGE Super-majors in the wild colony. I mean huge. They put my ants to shame. I've added more colony stressors and they ants seem slightly bigger but not near as big as the guys I saw in the wild. Are the other formicaria from THA?