Scrixx's Solenopsis Journal
Hey! Welcome to my Solenopsis species journal. This will cover all my Solenopsis species which is really just two; Solenopsis molesta and Solenopsis xyloni. Both species were collected 07/23/2018 in the Lytle Creek foothills.
Solenopsis molesta
I collected a few dozen queens and kept them in groups of 10 and 5s. It has been 10 weeks since then and only one test tube has workers. The 10 queen test tube has over 10 nanitics but the queen count is down to two. There were three queens last week but the workers culled one. Surprisingly, they culled the queen without wings. There is a winged queen and a wingless queen left. I'm hoping the workers keep both queens so I can have a polygynous S. molesta colony but I'm happy to have one succeed at all. I've had several dozen queens and they all failed. They couldn't even get their first worker.
Solenopsis xyloni
I collected these queens alongside the S. molesta. I separated most queens to single test tubes but kept one test tube with 10 queens and a second test tube with 5 queens. All the queens in the 10 queen setup died but the 5 queen setup has workers! There was a casualty though so there are only 4 queens left, it looks like she was processed by the workers so I assume she was culled. It's been almost 2 weeks since workers and all 4 queens are still alive. I'm hoping they keep all the queens but I also hope they cull at least one queen. The test tube is already looking crowded with how much 4 Solenopsis xyloni queens are producing! It's going to fill out really fast.

Edited by Scrixx, September 12 2018 - 9:04 AM.