the pictures do not show that too well but if you count the number of articles of the antennal club should be three for Pheidole and 2 for Carebara IIRC. I would love to find one of those queens as Pheidole antipodum seems to be one of the most spectacular Pheidole we have in Australia. I have seen once a flight of what now is Pheidole dispar (what was called Machomyrma) and it was a specially spectacular sight with thousands of workers and alates pouring from underground tunnels forming almost a carpet, this was in Brisbane at the DPIF labs in Oxley, cannot remember if it was spring or autumn, definitely was not summer, but was in 2001 so a long time ago.
P.S.: Could you ask your friend fr the time of the day and the weather conditions? Cool overcast or Sunny and warm day, after rain that sort of stuff? Thank you
They should arrive today, so I'll be able to take more detailed macro photos soon.
She describes them as tanks, big and slow moving 
They might be polygynous - her words
They're fine together, the e we had were in the same test tube all snuggled up together
Well once you know, i would be interested to know too please. They are so like a tank big, slow and clumsy lol
There was a thunder storm, which normally pass by quickly.
And these took off, as well many other ant species queens, and flew very high according to her
She came back later and found these queens without wings.
She found many different species of ant queens that day in her backyard
They all flew in the afternoon.
It's been pretty cold at night lately, but in the low 20s during the day.
This is not a normal occurrence. From what someone said, it's like the ants around here have a last minute flight before winter kicks in, to empty out the nest I guess 
Because many other people also caught queens of all species in the last few days.
So it is unknown when their normal flight periods are. It could be when other Pheidole fly in late March/April.
Anyway she lives in a town called Berri, which is quite away from the main city, so that helps in finding these types of ants.
Hence why it's taken so long for the ants to get to me.
Edited by CoolColJ, May 31 2018 - 2:16 PM.