So I saw this guy in a youtube video who has lots of successful ant colonies.
In the video, the guy said he used hydrostone for his honeypot ant formicariums. He's made bbc videos with those setups and they look really nice. I want to try and make one myself where you can shine light in the top just like his. I'm going to make it a topic just because I might need help/ideas to make this formicarium. I've already found that sticking it in another container won't work because the hydrostone expands and makes it impossible to get out. So my first try was a fail. I'm going to need to get some materials for a mold. Here's my idea, first make the nest using clay to make the chambers. Once hardened, I pull the clay out. Then I make some more hydrostone. I paint this hydrostone inside the chambers with a brush, then bury it in sand and gravel. Once this hardens I will add a little additional substrate to help the honeypot larvae spin their cocoons. I will finish by painting the outside with a sand/water mix for a natural look. Any ideas I might find useful would be appreciated.