2. Date of collection - established young colony, 27/3/2018
3. Habitat of collection - my front yard garden
4. Length - queen about 5mm, workers 2-3mm
5. Coloration - mostly black
6. Distinguishing characteristics - ?
8. Nest description - under some wood chips, and some loose debris
can walk over fluon barrier!
I was out in my front yard, flipped some wood chips over under a small tree, and boom, I saw a ton of larvae and eggs. And some small black ants scurring around.
Replaced the wood chips, and isolated the area around it, by clearing and digging the lose ground down a few inches.
And it appeared that was the whole nest, in the wood chips.
I put the wood chips into a small vial
These ants are tiny, and the queen is around 5mm. There are some really pale recently eclosed workers as well.
Some quick rushed shots - hard to photo due to small scurrying ants... might be able to get better ones later on, if they will move into test tube etc

Edited by CoolColJ, March 26 2018 - 8:55 PM.