Michigander's can post here during a nuptial flight to alert the rest of us to get outside with test tubes in hand. Just post your general location and species (if you can) to give those of us in your area a heads up when you first notice a nuptial flight.
With the snow melting and temps beginning to rise we are inching closer to our first Prenolepis Imparis flight for the year - perhaps even by the end of the month if it warms up, but definitely sometime in early to mid April. If/when I witness it in the Northeastern Lower Penninsula I'll let you all know so you can make the most of it too.
Ants of Michigan. . .
http://www.formicult...chigan +species
Michigan queens for sale:
Edited by Jamiesname, September 13 2018 - 4:52 PM.