Spring 24th October 2018
Both my second Pheidole antipodum and Camponotus suffusus bendingesis arrived today, one as a gift, the other via trade.
Will update on them later, but both were not packed that well.\, but did arrive unharmed.
I normally send single queen test tubes inside a $3AUD Kmart pool noodle that is chopped down, 1 of these makes 8 setups, can hold a 20mm test tube.
I put a cotton ball inside to take up the space, and cap with cotton balls held down by gaff tape on either end.
Crush resistant and can take a drop from any height.
Myrmecia nigrocincta queens x4
One of the queens from the second batch in a sealed test tube laid another 3 eggs for 6 total!
Will have to move her to a tub and tubes setup soon.
And a queen from the two most recently caught laid an egg.
So 3 of the 4 queens here have eggs, 1,1 and 6 
Pheidole Colony F - Banished Phediole sp. red head/black body 9mm queen - originally a partner of Pheidole Colony A
16mm test tube, cotton double chamber setup - heatcable
10 Nanitics, small clump of brood
They finally moved to the new connected test tube without a light this morning 
Well their test tube is really low on water, but still wet, and I connected both test tubes via vinyl tubing piece several days ago. They still didn't budge. red film around new one and heat cable.
Removed the setup off the heat cable a few times, and let the condensation dry up.
This morning was colder, and I put it back on the heat cable, warm side on the new test tube 1 inch from water cotton.
After an hour a few workers were hanging out in the new test tube - this is the cue!
After that they have moved all the brood across, 8 workers, now the queen remains, which the workers will get moving shortly, once they move what looks like a major larvae, which seems to be a bit stuck on a wet patch 
Edited by CoolColJ, October 23 2018 - 9:13 PM.