Gave her 6 workers, 2 pupa about to eclose, a few more white pupa, 5 or so larvae, one which maybe a major
some slight aggression at first, but now OK
Sold her and my R.aspera to the same person 
regarding that banished Pheidole queen
Moved her out, gave her 9 workers, 2 pupa about to eclose, a few more white pupa, 5 or so larvae, one which maybe a major.
There was some slight aggression at first.
Seems 3-4 workers were friendly, the larger and older workers were not. These moved the brood against the exit cotton.
When I put the test tube on top the heat cable the workers brought all the brood near and under the queen.
Now she is sitting on top the pile like a mother hen and inspecting them etc. So she has claimed the brood.
And she has a 3 or workers always near her. The rest hang out at the cotton exit side.
2 more dark pupa will eclose tomorrow. These should be all hers.
I see no more aggression after a few hours, and a worker fed her.
She will be OK and I sold her