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Ok, CCJ, I have to give you this. You are officially declared, one of the fastest journal updaters. Like, almost nobody has to ask you for updates. Keep up the good work
I update as I see it, as the dates are important to me
Current ant colonies -
1) Opisthopsis Rufithorax (strobe ant), Melophorus sp2. black and orange, Pheidole species, Pheidole antipodum
Journal = http://www.formicult...ra-iridomyrmex/
Heterotermes cf brevicatena termite pet/feeder journal = http://www.formicult...feeder-journal/
Came back anting just after sunset.
Only found a 16-17mm Camponotus consobrinus queen, and that was after a back tracked a few metres, if I had not done that, I would have missed her
Not interested in keeping her, but what can you do?
One of the more feminine and elegant looking Camponotus species. Even the workers
click to enlarge
Current ant colonies -
1) Opisthopsis Rufithorax (strobe ant), Melophorus sp2. black and orange, Pheidole species, Pheidole antipodum
Journal = http://www.formicult...ra-iridomyrmex/
Heterotermes cf brevicatena termite pet/feeder journal = http://www.formicult...feeder-journal/
Summer 28th December 2018
Melophorus sp.- red black 6-7mm queen
refillable gypsum plugged test tube connected to outworld - heatcable
3 minor workers - 1 large, 1 medium, 1 small cocoon, 2 large larvae, 1 medium, 1 small, 12 eggs.
I can see a worker half emerged from one of the medium sized cocoons
She's like half out of the cocoon, and nobody helping her...
I'll just preempt the third worker
Edited by CoolColJ, December 28 2018 - 12:56 AM.
Current ant colonies -
1) Opisthopsis Rufithorax (strobe ant), Melophorus sp2. black and orange, Pheidole species, Pheidole antipodum
Journal = http://www.formicult...ra-iridomyrmex/
Heterotermes cf brevicatena termite pet/feeder journal = http://www.formicult...feeder-journal/
Current ant colonies -
1) Opisthopsis Rufithorax (strobe ant), Melophorus sp2. black and orange, Pheidole species, Pheidole antipodum
Journal = http://www.formicult...ra-iridomyrmex/
Heterotermes cf brevicatena termite pet/feeder journal = http://www.formicult...feeder-journal/
Edited by CoolColJ, December 28 2018 - 3:13 PM.
Current ant colonies -
1) Opisthopsis Rufithorax (strobe ant), Melophorus sp2. black and orange, Pheidole species, Pheidole antipodum
Journal = http://www.formicult...ra-iridomyrmex/
Heterotermes cf brevicatena termite pet/feeder journal = http://www.formicult...feeder-journal/
Edited by CoolColJ, December 29 2018 - 2:09 AM.
Current ant colonies -
1) Opisthopsis Rufithorax (strobe ant), Melophorus sp2. black and orange, Pheidole species, Pheidole antipodum
Journal = http://www.formicult...ra-iridomyrmex/
Heterotermes cf brevicatena termite pet/feeder journal = http://www.formicult...feeder-journal/
Current ant colonies -
1) Opisthopsis Rufithorax (strobe ant), Melophorus sp2. black and orange, Pheidole species, Pheidole antipodum
Journal = http://www.formicult...ra-iridomyrmex/
Heterotermes cf brevicatena termite pet/feeder journal = http://www.formicult...feeder-journal/
Current ant colonies -
1) Opisthopsis Rufithorax (strobe ant), Melophorus sp2. black and orange, Pheidole species, Pheidole antipodum
Journal = http://www.formicult...ra-iridomyrmex/
Heterotermes cf brevicatena termite pet/feeder journal = http://www.formicult...feeder-journal/
Pheidole Colony G - 2x Phediole sp. red head/black body 8-9mm queens
16mm test tube - heat cable
70 workers, 2 majors, third major larvae pupating, 2 major larvae lots of brood
Second major has eclosed
Third major larvae started pupating yesterday,
Fourth and fifth major larvae already in the works.
Current ant colonies -
1) Opisthopsis Rufithorax (strobe ant), Melophorus sp2. black and orange, Pheidole species, Pheidole antipodum
Journal = http://www.formicult...ra-iridomyrmex/
Heterotermes cf brevicatena termite pet/feeder journal = http://www.formicult...feeder-journal/
Current ant colonies -
1) Opisthopsis Rufithorax (strobe ant), Melophorus sp2. black and orange, Pheidole species, Pheidole antipodum
Journal = http://www.formicult...ra-iridomyrmex/
Heterotermes cf brevicatena termite pet/feeder journal = http://www.formicult...feeder-journal/
Edited by CoolColJ, December 30 2018 - 3:22 AM.
Current ant colonies -
1) Opisthopsis Rufithorax (strobe ant), Melophorus sp2. black and orange, Pheidole species, Pheidole antipodum
Journal = http://www.formicult...ra-iridomyrmex/
Heterotermes cf brevicatena termite pet/feeder journal = http://www.formicult...feeder-journal/
Dang man! Most of my ants grow slowly ..
Edited by CoolColJ, December 30 2018 - 6:02 PM.
Current ant colonies -
1) Opisthopsis Rufithorax (strobe ant), Melophorus sp2. black and orange, Pheidole species, Pheidole antipodum
Journal = http://www.formicult...ra-iridomyrmex/
Heterotermes cf brevicatena termite pet/feeder journal = http://www.formicult...feeder-journal/
Pogonomyrmex likes it well over 30c in many cases, so while 27-28c is great for lots of species, some may prefer higher or lower temperatures.
Current ant colonies -
1) Opisthopsis Rufithorax (strobe ant), Melophorus sp2. black and orange, Pheidole species, Pheidole antipodum
Journal = http://www.formicult...ra-iridomyrmex/
Heterotermes cf brevicatena termite pet/feeder journal = http://www.formicult...feeder-journal/
My first two batches of baby feeder roaches were born yesterday after a couple of days of constant 29C degrees in my new larger incubator
Summer 31st December 2018
Camponotus suffusus bendigensis 17mm queen 2
20mm Test tube - in styrofoam and heat cable incubator
2 nanitics, 5 cocoons, 6 larvae, 1 egg - raw honey dish
Second nanitic eclosed!
fed them their second meal and queen and 1 worker seems eager to eat.
While the other nanitic keeps an eye on the brood.
Light doesn't bother them anymore, so almost time to take them out of the incubator, but I will wait till a few more cocoons eclose first
So both suffusus queens now have 2 workers each, but this one has far more cocoons/brood.
And should enter winter with at least 10 workers hopefully
Edited by CoolColJ, December 31 2018 - 12:19 AM.
Current ant colonies -
1) Opisthopsis Rufithorax (strobe ant), Melophorus sp2. black and orange, Pheidole species, Pheidole antipodum
Journal = http://www.formicult...ra-iridomyrmex/
Heterotermes cf brevicatena termite pet/feeder journal = http://www.formicult...feeder-journal/
Melophorus sp.- red black 6-7mm queen
refillable gypsum plugged test tube connected to outworld - heatcable
2 minor workers, one worker half in a cocoon - 1 naked pupa, 1 large, 1 medium, 1 small cocoon, 3 large larvae, 1 small, 12 eggs.
This morning I saw they had pulled the medial worker that was half stuck in a cocoon out.
One of the workers was cleaning her gaster when I noticed this, but she looked a bit damaged.
And now she is dead
Her gaster looked broken... dammit this colony needs all the workers it can get!
Edited by CoolColJ, December 31 2018 - 2:35 AM.
Current ant colonies -
1) Opisthopsis Rufithorax (strobe ant), Melophorus sp2. black and orange, Pheidole species, Pheidole antipodum
Journal = http://www.formicult...ra-iridomyrmex/
Heterotermes cf brevicatena termite pet/feeder journal = http://www.formicult...feeder-journal/
Summer 1st January 2019
Melophorus sp.- red black 6-7mm queen
refillable gypsum plugged test tube connected to outworld - heatcable
2 minor workers, one worker half in a cocoon - 1 large, 1 medium, 1 small cocoon, 3 large larvae, 1 small, 12 eggs.
Naked pupa may have been eaten and discarded...
The third medial worker may still be alive, but she's crippled in any case
A large larvae has started pupating, hopefully it spins a cocoon
Melophorus sp.- black orange 7-8mm queen
Acrylic founding nest - heatcable
1 worker.5 cocoons, 2 eggs?
A 5th cocoon has been spun.
Still no sign of the other 4 eclosing yet, and it's been a while.
Current ant colonies -
1) Opisthopsis Rufithorax (strobe ant), Melophorus sp2. black and orange, Pheidole species, Pheidole antipodum
Journal = http://www.formicult...ra-iridomyrmex/
Heterotermes cf brevicatena termite pet/feeder journal = http://www.formicult...feeder-journal/
Edited by CoolColJ, January 1 2019 - 6:55 AM.
Current ant colonies -
1) Opisthopsis Rufithorax (strobe ant), Melophorus sp2. black and orange, Pheidole species, Pheidole antipodum
Journal = http://www.formicult...ra-iridomyrmex/
Heterotermes cf brevicatena termite pet/feeder journal = http://www.formicult...feeder-journal/
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