official first day of Summer

After the record breaking 105mm of rain 2 days ago, and a warm day today, will be on the lookout for more queens this afternoon.
Pheidole Colony E - Pheidole sp, light red head, dark red body, 6-7mm
16mm test tube, styrofoam double chamber setup - heatcable
50 workers, 1 brood boost major, 1 major pupa, small clump of brood
Sold this colony today
Pheidole antipodum 14-15mm queens x 12
in styrofoam and heat cable incubator
Finally moved all the queens into their respective setups!
I hedged my bets and tried various setups

Quad queen, triple queen, dual queen, and 3 solo queens.
I may still move the dual queen into two solo queens...
When I moved the extra queen into a container that already had 3 queens, there was no aggression and they instantly snuggled close together.
They must be a polygynous species - all the signs sure point to that.
All setups have a styro foam double chamber entrance.
1) Quad queen - red dirt
2) Triple queen - cardboard insert and aquarium filter wool
3) Dual queen - bare test tube
4) queen with coco coir
5) queen with red dirt
6) queen with white sand
The substrate looks wetter than they are, due to the flash
quad queen with red dirt

Triple queen with cardboard, they pulled the filter wool over the cardboard as substrate...

Dual queens - they stayed at the front of the test tube...

Coco Coir girl cleared all the coir away from the cotton, so the test tube may as well be bare

This one has the dark gaster

This girl churned up all the red dirt over night

Sand girl kept hers neat and tidy

Edited by CoolColJ, December 1 2018 - 5:48 PM.