Winter 21th July 2018 - Queen updateBanished Phediole sp. red head/black body 9mmclump of small larvae - heat cable
Seems less, maybe she ate some
Pheidole sp. red 7mm12+ larvae and eggs - heat cable
Wow, she laid more eggs since the last time I checked up on her. And one large larvae.
She is no longer skittish when exposed to light
I have a soft spot for this queen, having found her on the wind screen of my car straight after she mated, so will most likely keep her

And a different species to the red Pheidole in my backyard
Iridomyrmex sp. 7-8mmWeek 15 done - there is light at the end of the tunnel, after almost 4 months, and the last month on the heat cable!
Yesterday the pupa was slightly brown, boom, looks like it will eclose tonight
I think this queen is a bicknelli, she is smaller than the batch of Iridomyrmex queens I got recently

3x Phediole sp. red head/black body 8-9mmOn heating cable
I see some large larvae, but man they once had over 30 eggs!
Camponotus consobrinus 16-17mmNo eggs
Pheidole sp, light red head, dark red body, 6-7mmQueen 1 - clump of eggs
double chamber setup
Queen 2 - clump of eggs
I have her in my double test tube modded setup, with a polystyrene foam chamber entrance
Both queens finally laid eggs this week!
Pheidole antipodum? 14+mmQueen 1- in test tube, aquarium filter wool dam, cotton double chamber setup - clump of eggs
Queen 2- in gypsum founding nest - eggs?
Queen 1 laid this week, middle of winter, which I did not expect!
I think queen 2 has laid some eggs, as I did see her bent over looking at her gaster for periods of time, but I don't want to disturb her to check. Will next week.
Lioponera ruficornis/larvata 5mmPut her inside a test tube with a cotton double chmaber setup.
But she has been hiding under the polystyrene sheet raw honey dish... she likes the small tight space
Rhytidoponera species 6-7mm She has settled down. I opened up her test tube inside a small container/outworld, but she never comes out, so I sealed it back up for now.
Camponotus humilior30 donated larvae - on heating cable
One of the larvae looks eaten out.
I also saw her lash out on a larvae during the week when it wriggled, and squirt formic acid on it...
So I'm not sure if she is really raising them all as her own
Iridomyrmex queens - 8.5mm - multiple test tube setups with aquarium filter dam and cotton wool chamber wall/entrance3x singles, dual, one quad queen - two singles in red test tube rack, the rest exposed to lightExposed to light setups on heat cable
As of this morning all 8.5mm Iridomyrmex queens I grouped a week ago have laid eggs, but the last one to lay, Solo queen in red test tube rack, only had 1 egg... maybe the rest are hidden...
For just over a week, things have moved faster than I imagined. In the middle of winter as well!

Edited by CoolColJ, July 21 2018 - 5:58 PM.