The Iridomyrmex sp. reburrus? ants covered all the raw honey on wax paper, and sugar water in the feeding dish with dirt.... strange..
Melophorus - 16th April 2018
Yes! The only cocoon finally eclosed after 3 weeks while I was sleeping
But it must have been fairly recent as the queen is constantly following her and cleaning her. Cute.
Totally white, I'll try and get a pic later.
She is about the same size as the current largest worker. There is one smaller one, and one even smaller nanitic
So far, it takes 2.5 weeks from egg to larvae and 3 weeks in cocoon phase for them to eclose, while being fairly warm.
Let's see how long from larvae to cocoon for the next two. 2 months total at a guess. Pretty slow growth, like my Strobe ants and some Camponotus.
And the queen only lays in batches of two once in a while...
I know they can have majors at around 8-10 total workers, so that's a plus
Edited by CoolColJ, April 15 2018 - 6:07 PM.