That also looks like pheidole
Thanks. I thought so as well, but there is a small chance she could be a Carebara..just found out there are a few smaller species in Australia

I don't know if my other Pheidole queen has laid any eggs yet. Hard to see if any, through my red transparent test tube rack.
But my Iridomyrmex queen sure is a fast developer, not only did she lay eggs immediately, but quite a lot of them after 1 week!
I also left a foil of raw honey and one Pheidole larvae with her.
She constantly makes trips to the honey, and yesterday munched on the honey coated larvae
I was a bit optimistic on the third Strobe ant nanitic, it still hasn't eclosed yet.
Neither has the Furnace ant cocoon. 2 weeks since it spun, thought it would be a nanitic by now!
Edited by CoolColJ, April 6 2018 - 5:35 PM.