Well I guess that's it for the Aeneopilosus family.
There are 2 workers and some 10 eggs in a clustered ball, which the smaller of the 2 workers is always looking over.
Which may or may not turn into more workers in the future.
And the current 2 will most likely die in a month or so, but they are still carrying on with their lives without much future purpose
So I may "donate" the brood to the Humilior family when they get larger
The Humilior ants didn't seem interested in the queen body, so for now I have it in a plastic vial.
Even the wild Pheidole colonies didn't care for it.
On a brighter note -
I spotted a 1cm baby cockroach on the toilet wall at work, and I thought "ant food" 
I keep 3 plastic vials in my car, just in case, for capturing queens.
So I used one to hold the cockroach, after capturing it with some tissue paper, till I got home.
It's a bit injured, so I didn't expect it to move when I put it in front of the Humilior nest, but it did eventually stumble inside.
The ants didn't notice it for a while, until it got closer.
Then the workers freaked out, and the queen got aggro'ed, bent her gastor forward under her and sprayed fomic acid, I think
Well that hit the cockroach hard, and it stumbled out and landed on it's back, but it's still alive and has upright itself.
I should have video'ed it, brain fart moment.
Anyway I don't think these ants will eat it.
The workers are too scared to approach it. they will timidly creep towards it and then jerk back in fear 
If it was meat ants (Iridomyrmex purpureus), it'd be dead by now....
edit - killed the cockroach, and put it back in, the queen still took a few dozen jabs at it, before they decided it was dead enough 
The workers are still jumpy around it though, and won't come near it
Queen dragged it out toward the entrance, but later pulled it back, and is now munching on it.
So much for workers doing the work and feeding the queen 
Edited by CoolColJ, March 6 2018 - 9:31 PM.