Generally Crystals did giveaways in fall, but due to an going busy life she likely didn't have time which we can all understand. Although it's early winter now, I had two formicariums that I won't be using I had gotten from Ant Topia a while back. I personally would use them, especially the acrylic one... however I don't have many "small" colonies to put in them. I also find it incredibly difficult to move colonies out of them. The acrylic nest doesn't have a spot to attach a tube to a new nest. In the outworld it does, but it's still very difficult so I recommend it for small colonies that don't need much growth space. The other nest that I am giving away was used, however I boiled the inside and laid down a layer of grout. It will be fine, however I just wanted to throw that out there. I suppose the main thing is hydration, I like nests that don't require hydration again for months. These need to be re-hydrated at least once a week. Don't get me wrong, they are both great nests as long as you don't mind doing a little maintenance here and there.
10$ for shipping, but both nests will be given to the winner since the second nest isn't flawless. I will draw a winner on the 15th of December. Simply reply below that you want to be counted in and boom, your in. I will use a random organizer like always. Oh, and the decoration was done by yours truly.
Second nest.