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Youtuber stealing Alex Wild's photos

alex wild photos stolen

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#1 Offline Connectimyrmex - Posted November 5 2017 - 2:55 PM


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I was watching random ant youtube videos when I found this youtube channel called "World Experts". He had several videos on raising ant colonies, with some of the videos containing fake portions and stolen photos. For example, in this video ()  at 5:48, there is one of Alex Wild's photos, just flipped around and smashed onto a new background. In this video () at 1:09, there is another one of Alex Wild's photos, just photoshopped in with some cocoon pictures. That Dinoponera "queen" isn't even a queen, which makes it funnier.

If you don't believe me, search up Pseudomyrmex gracilis Alex Wild and Dinoponera Alex Wild and find the matching pictures. It's kind of sad that he photoshopped a Dinoponera worker into a test tube to make his ant collection look cooler on youtube.


Can someone bring this to Alex's attention?

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#2 Offline Lazarus - Posted November 14 2017 - 5:14 PM


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This person is trying to get people to watch his videos (with silly exagerated photoshop and other editing techniques ) and if enough people do he will have achieved his goal. Sadly, the best way to stop this is to not watch the videos.
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#3 Offline T.C. - Posted November 14 2017 - 9:03 PM


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Uh, why's this in general? :huh:


Anyways, not any of our business. Life will be better for those who mind their own business. Got enough problems of my own, without worrying about others issues. :hi:

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#4 Offline dermy - Posted November 14 2017 - 9:07 PM


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Not much you can do, I've seen much worse stuff then this before. Especially if you go onto other video sites that are hosted in other countries where people regularly just re-upload videos from other video sites [most notably youtube].

#5 Offline T.C. - Posted November 14 2017 - 9:31 PM


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Not much you can do, I've seen much worse stuff then this before. Especially if you go onto other video sites that are hosted in other countries where people regularly just re-upload videos from other video sites [most notably youtube].

Oh, yeah. I have seen lots of other people take others videos and just use pieces in their own.

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#6 Offline dermy - Posted November 15 2017 - 2:35 AM


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Not much you can do, I've seen much worse stuff then this before. Especially if you go onto other video sites that are hosted in other countries where people regularly just re-upload videos from other video sites [most notably youtube].

Oh, yeah. I have seen lots of other people take others videos and just use pieces in their own.


I meant just legit re-uploading a video unedited or anything. What you said could fall under Fair Use [at least in the United States] and from what I've heard some Countries just don't care.

#7 Offline Connectimyrmex - Posted November 15 2017 - 8:00 AM


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From what I know, Alex gets pretty angry when someone rips off his photos.

Hawaiiant (Ben)

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#8 Offline Spamdy - Posted November 15 2017 - 3:16 PM


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From what I know, Alex gets pretty angry when someone rips off his photos.

He does. Heres a quote in his Image Use section of his website:


Social Media - Commercial
Use of my photographs in social media (facebook, blogs, twitter, etc.) by commercial entities is the same as "Commercial Use" (above) and requires a licensing agreement.

Social Media - Personal
People acting in a personal capacity are welcome to share my photographs on blogs, web pages, and social media accounts without prior permission, provided that all images are accompanied by a link back to www.alexanderwild.com. Failure to attribute an image properly may result in a takedown notice to the web host.


Whatever it is, this World Experts person didn't do anything Alex Wild asks for.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: alex wild, photos, stolen

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